Taste of Gold
Saturday July 17, 2021!
We plan to hold Taste of Gold outdoors on campus in the LTCC Demonstration Garden and will continue to monitor safety protocols and provide updates through the planning process!
Currently, we are planning for an in-person event for sponsors and a limited amount of ticket purchasers. Of course, the health and safety of our students, donors and staff is our top priority, so we will follow event guidelines for that time in California.
The Josh Pfeiffer Band is scheduled to return and we have restaurants, wineries and breweries confirmed. Plan to enjoy uplifting tunes, tasty bites, an array of California wines and an assortment of beers from local breweries in whatever shape the event needs to take for your safety!
Join our Taste of Gold sponsors in supporting student success!
Support Lake Tahoe Community College Programs and Students!
Your gift will help create a better future for our students and our community.
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Our Sponsors:
Solid Gold

24 Karat
Les & Karin Wright
14 Karat
Alling & Jillson Ltd.
Char and Dave Goodman
Keenan & Associates
Adele Lucas
10 Karat
APEX Systems Inc. Servpro of Tahoe
Beach Retreat & Lodge Tahoe
Tim and Judy Breza
Dr. Cathy Cox
Kerry and Wendy David
Peter and Vikki Grant
Edgewood Companies
Harrah's Harveys
Lucy and John McLaughlin
Bob and Sue Novasel
ReliaPro Painters
Craig Swarthout
Tillson Law (Joseph Tillson)
5 Karat
Cecilia Bachelder
Deanna M. Brothers, DDS
Ellen and Paul Camacho
Bob and Cathy Cliff
Nancy and John Dalton
Jeff and Kasey DeFranco
Leslie DeTarr
Dr. James Duke
Huage Brueck Associates
Lynne Hansen and Jerald Lasarow
Daniel and Liz Norman
Anthony and Beth Sears
Dr. and Mrs. Fritz Wenck
Spend a delightful summer evening strolling through the LTCC Demonstration Garden, enjoying live music, area wineries’ finest varietals, an excellent array of beers from local breweries, and a sampling of tasty treats from Lake Tahoe restaurants.
This event is for attendees age 21 and over.
Taste of Gold proceeds support LTCC students
who need your help more than ever.
Donations are used to support students directly through the Lake Tahoe College Promise,
which provides free financial, counseling and academic support to hard-working local
students attending LTCC. Academic programs and departments at LTCC also directly benefit
from the Foundation’s many generous Taste of Gold donors.
- Nancy HarrisonExecutive Director of Foundation & College Advancement | (530) 541-4660 x 245email