Campus Health, Safety, & Security

LTCC takes the health and safety of our students, staff, faculty, and campus visitors seriously. Please see below to read about various policies and efforts taking place campus-wide that make LTCC a cleaner, healthier, and safer campus for everyone. 


LTCC Alert

LTCC partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to offer an emergency notification system, called LTCC Alert, capable of sending emergency texts and email messages to registrants. Registered students and staff are automatically enrolled to receive these.

Jeanne Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose certain timely and annual information about crime and security policies. All public and private institutions of post-secondary education participating in federal student aid programs are subject to this act. As a participating institution, Lake Tahoe Community College is responsible for gathering and disclosing information relevant to safety and security on our campus.

The Annual Report on Crime for LTCC (PDF) includes information concerning campus security and student safety, policies concerning alcohol, drugs, weapons, crime prevention, reporting crimes, sexual assault, prevention and awareness programs, and other safety and security matters. The report also includes statistics for reported crimes that occurred on campus or on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. In complying with the statistical reporting requirements of the Clery Act, the college obtains the required statistics for campus crimes through actual reporting of crimes in person, through confidential reporting, and through contact with local law enforcement agencies.

Title IX

"Yes Means Yes" Affirmative Consent Law

In September 2014, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law making California the first state in the nation to have a clear definition of when people agree to sex. This new law seeks to improve how universities and colleges handle rape and sexual assault accusations, and to clarify the standards, requiring an "affirmative consent" and stating that consent cannot be given if someone is asleep, or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol.

The law states: "Lack of protest or resistance does not mean consent, nor does silence mean consent. Affirmative consent must be ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time."

The law requires colleges that receive CA state funding to have policies covering more than a dozen situations that can arise in sexual assault or domestic violence cases, from protecting privacy to training campus officials and providing counseling for victims.


Smoking Policy

LTCC recognizes the serious health problems associated with smoking tobacco, other non-tobacco products, and smokeless tobacco. LTCC also recognizes that tobacco smoke poses a health risk to non-smokers. To protect students and staff from an unhealthy environment, the LTCC Board of Trustees approved a policy in 2014 that prohibits all smoking within buildings or facilities owned or leased by the District. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas clearly indicated by "Designated Smoking Area" signage, as well as in personal vehicles. All other smoking and tobacco use in and on the LTCC campus is prohibited.

Individuals who refuse to comply with the college's smoking policy will be subject to the appropriate processes. For the purposes of this policy, "smoking" means all uses of tobacco including cigars, cigarettes, pipes, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and vaping devices. The sale of tobacco products is also prohibited on college property. This policy applies to all LTCC employees, students, vendors, visitors, and other persons who use the college's vehicles and facilities.


 Health and Safety Links

Injury & Illness Protection Program
Annual Report of Crime on Campus
Navigating the Dangers of Winter
Walking Safely on Snow & Ice