Residency Requirements

- California Resident
California residency (for California Community College purposes) requires each student to qualify in two parts: act and intent. Determining residency can be complicated. Residency determination is made for each student at the time the application for admission is received. An supplemental residency questionnaire must be submitted by new and returning students (did not attend for two consecutive semesters). The burden is on the student to demonstrate clearly, with proof, both physical presence in California and intent to establish California residence. – California Education Code, Sections 68000-70902.
Any student over the age of 19 may prove their residency by meeting the following criteria:
2. Intent: To claim residency a student must have shown intent to establish permanent residency in California by fulfilling the following:
- Paying California income taxes
- Possessing a valid California driver's license
- Register and vote in the state [CA Voter Registration Information]
- Owning and registering a car in California
- Live in California for two consecutive years
- Own residential property or continuously occupy rented or leased property in California
- Licensing from California for professional practice
- Hold active membership in service or social clubs
- Show California as a home address on California State and Federal Tax forms
- Spouse, children, or other close relative reside in California
- Pay California State tax as a resident
- Possess a California driver's license
- Possess California motor vehicle license plates and registration
- Maintain California as the home of record on Leave and Earning statement while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces
- Establish and maintain active California bank accounts
- Petition for divorce as a resident of California
3. Conduct inconsistent with a claim of California residency includes but is not limited to:
- Maintaining voter registration in another state
- Attending an out-of-state institution as a resident of that state
- Declaring non-residence for California State income tax purposes
- Renewing a driver's license and/or registering a vehicle in another state during the time period for which California residency is claimed
A student is entitled to resident classification under the following circumstances:
- Student has been present in California for more than one year prior to the quarter of admission and has been entirely self-supporting for that time and met the residency requirements
- Student is a permanent resident alien over 18 years of age and has resided in California as a permanent resident more than one year prior to the quarter of admission
- Student is a permanent resident alien under 18 years of age and has resided with a parent who has been a permanent resident more than one year prior to the quarter of admission
- Student is a full-time employee of a public school district in a position requiring certification
- Student is an apprentice and provides evidence of such apprenticeship status
- Student earns livelihood primarily by performing agricultural labor for hire in California for at least two months per year in each of the two years preceding the quarter of admission
- Student lived with a parent who is an agricultural laborer, as specified above, and is claimed as a tax dependent
- Minor student has been under continuous care and control of an adult, not a parent, for more than two years prior to the quarter of admission. Such an adult must have been a California resident during the most recent year
Exceptions - A student is entitled to resident classification for the minimum time necessary to become a resident under the following circumstances:
- A minor student in the continuous attendance, whose parents had established California residence (for one year), and who left the state may be classified as a resident until they have reached the age of 18 years and may achieve residency on their own
- A student is on active duty in the military service, stationed in California, and has not been assigned to California for educational purposed
- Meets criteria as a foster youth
- A student who is a dependent child (i.e., natural, adopted, or step) or spouse of an active military service person stationed in California is given resident classification for the minimum time necessary to become a resident
- A student is a full-time employee, or child or spouse of a full-time employee, of an educational institution or California State Agency may be entitled to resident classification until they have resided in California the minimum time necessary to establish residency
- Tahoe Basin Nevada Residents
In 2016, LTCC began granting an Interstate Attendance Agreement to Nevada residents living in the Tahoe Basin. Up to 100 Nevada residents who meet the parameters defined below will be granted a discounted tuition rate of three times the California state rate ($93 per unit).
To be eligible, students must reside in one of the following zip codes:
- Rate goes into effect for classes taken during or after the 2016 Fall quarter
- Students must be enrolled in at least six units each quarter
- Student must be seeking a degree, certification, or transfer
- Students can continue to receive the GNP rate provided they meet satisfactory academic progress each quarter
- K-8 students will not be considered for this special rate; high school students may apply
To receive the discounted rate, please:
1. Review the Interstate Attendance Agreement Instructions
2. Complete the Interstate Attendance Agreement Application
3. Apply to Lake Tahoe Community College
Have a question?
We’re just a call or email away:
Lake Tahoe Community College
One College Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 541-4660 x 211