Core Courses

ISSI Music

"I was able to build warm relationships with people from California and other Western states, and also the instructors of the core course. A friendly and inclusive atmosphere enveloped the entire campus.'"   - Recent ISSI program participant


Courses are offered Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 3:20 PM
You will be in more than one classroom as you move through your day. The cultural breakout sessions are included in your day and you do not need to register for them separately. You DO need to be registered for any numbered course; e.g., SPA 156C. Please view the Typical Day at ISSI webpage for more details.  

Unless noted otherwise, all materials are provided for all ISSI courses. Materials used for Institute courses are available in alternate format upon request. If you need special accommodations for a certifiable disability that may affect class performance, please notify us as soon as possible so we may meet those accommodations. Optional materials include a Spanish-English/English-Spanish dictionary and the 501 Spanish Verbs book.


Use Core Course Descriptions Below for Self-Placement.


For questions regarding courses, email the Academic Coordinator, Sarah Harmon, at

Grammar Examples Test Yourself
Introduction to Regular Verb Conjugations: -ar, -er, -ir Verbs hablo, hablas, habla, hablamos, habláis, hablan Take the quiz!
Definite and Indefinite Articles el, la, los, las; un, una, unos, unas Take the quiz!
The Verbs Ser vs. Estar Yo soy alto.  Yo estoy en casa. Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Ir voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Tener tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen Take the quiz!
Alphabet a, b, c, d . . . Take the quiz!
Tú vs. Usted / Formal vs. Informal ¿Cómo está usted? / ¿Cómo estás tú? Take the quiz!
Subject Pronouns yo, tú, usted, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ustedes, ellos Take the quiz!
Forming and Asking Questions ¿De dónde eres?, Usted es cubano, ¿no? Take the quiz!
Interrogative / Question Words ¿Qué?, ¿Quién?, ¿Dónde?, ¿Cómo?, ¿Cuál?, ¿Por qué? Take the quiz!
The Verbs Llamar vs. Llamarse Me llamo Carlos.   ¿Cómo te llamas? Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Estar ¿Cómo estás tú? Take the quiz!
Agreement (Gender) of Nouns in Spanish amigo → amiga  Take the quiz!
Agreement (Number) of Nouns in Spanish libro → libros Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Ser soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son Take the quiz!
Placement and Agreement of Adjectives in Spanish Ellas son unas muchachas altas. Take the quiz!
The Verb Gustar and Pronouns (me, te, le) Me gusta la clase. Take the quiz!
Hay No hay muchos estudiantes en la clase. N/A
Tener + que + Infinitive Tengo que estudiar mucho. Take the quiz!
Stem-Changing Verb: Querer quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, queréis, quieren Take the quiz!


Vocabulary Examples
Greetings, Farewells, Introductions buenos días, adiós, mucho gusto
Regular Verbs, Places, Things, People, Helpful Words bailar, comer, vivir, la casa, la carta, el amigo, sí, y, de
Places, Street, Eat and Drink, People, Verbs, Helpful Words la ciudad, el metro, la leche, la mesera, vender, ahora
Descriptions, Nationalities guapo, viejo, alemán, italiano
Numbers 0-31 uno, dos, tres, dieciocho, veinticuatro
Classroom la mesa, la ventana
Grammar Examples  TEST YOURSELF  
Subject Pronouns yo, tú, usted, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ustedes, ellos Take the quiz!
Introduction to Regular Verb Conjugations: -ar, -er, -ir Verbs hablo, hablas, habla, hablamos, habláis, hablan Take the quiz!
Forming and Asking Questions ¿De dónde eres?, Usted es cubano, ¿no? Take the quiz!
Conjunctions pero, que, sino . . . Take the quiz!
Hay No hay muchos estudiantes en la clase. N/A
Tú vs. Usted / Formal vs. Informal ¿Cómo está usted? / ¿Cómo estás tú? Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Estar ¿Cómo estás tú? Take the quiz!
Alphabet: Consonants b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k . . . Take the quiz!
Vowels a, e, i, o, u Take the quiz!
Dipthongs / Linking seis, siete, duermo, esta aspirina, ese elefante N/A
Alphabet a, b, c, d . . . Take the quiz!
Accents  habló, trabajábamos, capitán, día Take the quiz!
Cognates / False Cognates computadora = computer,  librería <> library Take the quiz!
Simple Prepositions a, de, con, sin . . . Take the quiz!
Vocabulary Lists Examples
Greetings, Farewells, Introductions buenos días, adiós, mucho gusto
Numbers 0-31 uno, dos, tres, dieciocho, veinticuatro
Classroom la mesa, la ventana
Interrogative Words ¿Dónde?  ¿Cómo?  ¿Por qué?
Colors azul, blanco, gris, verde verbs buscar, comprar, llevar
Shopping tienda, ganga, efectivo
Clothing camiseta, corbata, falda
Slang, Street Spanish cargar la mano, estar pelado
Loan of an Object ¿Me prestas tu chaqueta?
Old Spanish Expressions De ningún modo.


Grammar Examples Test Yourself
Regular Verb Conjugations: -ar, -er, -ir Verbs hablo, hablas, habla, hablamos, habláis, hablan Take the quiz!
Irregular Verbs: Hacer, Poner, and Salir hago, haces; pongo, pones; salgo, sales Take the quiz!
Stem-Changing Verbs: Querer and Preferir quiero, quieres; prefiero, prefieres Take the quiz!
The Verb Gustar and Pronouns (me, te, le, nos, os, les) Nos gusta estudiar en la biblioteca. Take the quiz!
Present Progressive Verb Forms Estoy escribiendo una carta. Take the quiz!
Alphabet a, b, c, d . . . Take the quiz!
Tú vs. Usted / Formal vs. Informal ¿Cómo está usted? / ¿Cómo estás tú? Take the quiz!
Agreement (Gender/Number) of Nouns in Spanish libro → libros, amigo → amiga  Take the quiz!
Definite and Indefinite Articles el, la, los, las; un, una, unos, unas Take the quiz!
Subject Pronouns yo, tú, usted, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ustedes, ellos Take the quiz!
Forming and Asking Questions ¿De dónde eres?, Usted es cubano, ¿no? Take the quiz!
Interrogative / Question Words ¿Qué?, ¿Quién?, ¿Dónde?, ¿Cómo?, ¿Cuál?, ¿Por qué? Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Estar ¿Cómo estás tú? Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Ser soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son Take the quiz!
Placement and Agreement of Adjectives in Spanish Ellas son unas muchachas altas. Take the quiz!
The Verbs Ser vs. Estar Yo soy alto.  Yo estoy en casa. Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Ir voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van Take the quiz!
Irregular Verbs: Tener and Venir tengo, tienes; vengo, vienes Take the quiz!
Tener + que + Infinitive Tengo que estudiar mucho. Take the quiz!
Contractions: al and del Vamos al banco.  Venimos del mercado. Take the quiz!
Tener + Age Tengo cincuenta y siete años. Take the quiz!
Telling Time Son las ocho y media de la tarde. Take the quiz!


Vocabulary Lists Examples
Greetings, Farewells, Introductions buenos días, adiós, mucho gusto
Regular Verbs bailar, leer, escribir
Free Time coser, esquiar, tomar el sol
Days of the Week lunes, martes, miércoles
Numbers 0-31 uno, dos, tres, dieciocho, veinticuatro
Numbers 40 - 100 cuarenta y nueve, cincuenta, sesenta
Meals, Menu, Beverages la cena, el chorizo, el vino
Asking for Directions Siga por esta calle.
Grammar Examples Test Yourself
Stem-Changing Verbs: Dormir, Poder, and Volver duermo, duermes; puedo, puedes; vuelvo, vuelves Take the quiz!
Stem-Changing Verbs: Seguir, Pedir, and Decir sigo, sigues; pido, pides; digo, dices Take the quiz!
Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns te lavas, me afeito, se levantan Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense Yo estudiaba en ese colegio. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo hablé con Teresa ayer. Take the quiz!
Tú vs. Usted / Formal vs. Informal ¿Cómo está usted? / ¿Cómo estás tú? Take the quiz!
Regular Verb Conjugations: -ar, -er, -ir Verbs hablo, hablas, habla, hablamos, habláis, hablan Take the quiz!
Interrogative / Question Words ¿Qué?, ¿Quién?, ¿Dónde?, ¿Cómo?, ¿Cuál?, ¿Por qué? Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Estar ¿Cómo estás tú? Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Ser soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son Take the quiz!
The Verbs Ser vs. Estar Yo soy alto.  Yo estoy en casa. Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Ir voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van Take the quiz!
Irregular Verbs: Tener and Venir tengo, tienes; vengo, vienes Take the quiz!
Tener + que + Infinitive Tengo que estudiar mucho. Take the quiz!
Present Progressive Verb Forms Estoy escribiendo una carta. Take the quiz!
Irregular Verbs: Hacer, Poner, and Salir hago, haces; pongo, pones; salgo, sales Take the quiz!
Stem-Changing Verbs: Querer, Pensar and Preferir quiero, quieres; pienso, piensas, prefiero, prefieres Take the quiz!
Irregular Verbs: Conocer and Saber conozco, conoces; yo sé, sabes Take the quiz!
Stem-Changing Verbs: Dormir, Poder, and Volver duermo, duermes; puedo, puedes; vuelvo, vuelves Take the quiz!
Stem-Changing Verbs: Seguir, Pedir, and Decir sigo, sigues; pido, pides; digo, dices Take the quiz!
Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns te lavas, me afeito, se levantan Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense Yo estudiaba en ese colegio. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo hablé con Teresa ayer. Take the quiz!
Vocabulary Lists Examples
Greetings, Farewells, Introductions buenos días, adiós, mucho gusto
Stem-Changing Verbs almorzar (ue), nevar (ie), servir (i)
Trades and Professions la actriz, el ingeniero, la entrevista
Reflexive Verbs  acostarse, enojarse, sentarse
Grammar Examples Test Yourself
Present Progressive Verb Forms Estoy escribiendo una carta. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Irregular Verbs (Decir, Hacer, Tener, Ir, Ser, Estar) dije, hice, tuve, fui, estuve Take the quiz!
Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns te lavas, me afeito, se levantan Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense: Uses Eran las siete y hacía mucho frío. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Uses Ella trabajó todo el día. Take the quiz!
Regular Verb Conjugations: -ar, -er, -ir Verbs hablo, hablas, habla, hablamos, habláis, hablan Take the quiz!
The Verbs Ser vs. Estar Yo soy alto.  Yo estoy en casa. Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Ir voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van Take the quiz!
Irregular Verbs: Tener, Venir hago, haces; pongo, pones; salgo, sales; tengo, tienes Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo hablé con Teresa ayer. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Verbs That Change Meaning  Conocí a Antonio. = I met Antonio. Take the quiz!
Adverbs: Mucho and Poco Comí mucho hace poco. Take the quiz!
Cognates / False Cognates computadora = computer,  librería <> library Take the quiz!
Weather hace sol, hace viento, está nublado Take the quiz!
Demonstrative Adjectives este libro, esa pluma, aquel árbol Take the quiz!


Vocabulary Lists Examples
Comprar Ropa regatear, en efectivo, la ganga, los pantalones
Time Expressions Used with the Preterite anoche, anteayer, la semana pasada
Time la hora, una vez, divertirse
Trades and Professions abogado, ingeniero, cantante, director, fábrica, puesto
Slang / Street Spanish andar en boca de las gentes
Expressions Commonly Used with the Imperfect Tense Siempre, En esa época
La vida diaria despertarse, afeitarse, vestirse
La casa hacer la cama, el comedor, el mueble, sucio
Expresiones con mucho / poco ni mucho menos, poco a poco
Weather Hace viento, Llueve, primavera, granizo, congelado
Grammar Examples Test Yourself
Preterite Tense vs. Imperfect Tense El teléfono sonó mientras yo leía. Take the quiz!
Present Perfect Tense (with the verb Haber) Nunca has venido a mi casa. Take the quiz!
Direct Object Pronouns  Marta compró un libro y lo leyó inmediatamente. Take the quiz!
Indirect Object Pronouns Yo le hablé por teléfono. Take the quiz!
Por vs. Para Gracias por todo. / Vine para estudiar. Take the quiz!
Regular Verb Conjugations: -ar, -er, -ir Verbs hablo, hablas, habla, hablamos, habláis, hablan Take the quiz!
Irregular Verb: Ir voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van Take the quiz!
Irregular Verbs: Hacer, Poner, Salir, Tener, Venir, Decir hago, haces; pongo, pones; salgo, sales; tengo, tienes Take the quiz!
The Verbs Ser vs. Estar Yo soy alto.  Yo estoy en casa. Take the quiz!
Present Progressive Verb Forms Estoy escribiendo una carta. Take the quiz!
Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns te lavas, me afeito, se levantan Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo hablé con Teresa ayer. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Irregular Verbs (Decir, Hacer, Tener, Ir, Ser, Estar) dije, hice, tuve, fui, estuve Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Stem-Changing Verbs  pensé, pensó; dormí, durmió, pedí, pidió Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Verbs That Change Meaning  Conocí a Antonio. = I met Antonio. Take the quiz!
Possessive Adjectives mi(s), tu(s), su(s), nuestro(a, os, as), etc. Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense: Uses Eran las siete y hacía mucho frío. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Uses Ella trabajó todo el día. Take the quiz!
The Pronoun se in the Passive Voice / Impersonal Constructions Se venden carros. / Se habla español en Costa Rica. Take the quiz!
The Pronoun se with Unplanned Events Se me cayó la pluma. Take the quiz!
The Pronoun se with Reciprocal Actions Juan y Ana se conocen. Take the quiz!
Verbs Like Gustar La clase me aburre. Take the quiz!
Prepositions al lado de, con, sobre Take the quiz!
The Preposition: Por Vamos por tren. / Gracias por todo. Take the quiz!
The Preposition: Para Vine a la biblioteca para estudiar. Take the quiz!


Vocabulary Lists Examples
Reflexive Verbs  acostarse, enojarse, sentarse
Regular Verbs abrir, cantar, recibir
Weather lloviznar, el granizo, hace viento
Hacer with Weather, Hacer Expressions (review) hace sol, hacer caso, hacer la maleta
Expressions of Frequency a menudo, varias veces
Nature, Ecology, Advanced Weather el bosque, la ráfaga de viento, llueve a cántaros
Reflexive Verbs acostarse, divertirse, sentarse
Natural Disasters, Geographical Terms  acantilado, escarcha, terremoto
Expressions with por por eso, por fin, por lo menos
Expressions with para para nada, para siempre
Grammar Examples Test Yourself
Preterite Tense vs. Imperfect Tense El teléfono sonó mientras yo leía. Take the quiz!
The Pronoun se in the Passive Voice / Impersonal Constructions Se venden carros. / Se habla español en Costa Rica. Take the quiz!
Por vs. Para Gracias por todo. / Vine para estudiar. Take the quiz!
Prepositions al lado de, con, sobre Take the quiz!
Past Participles as Adjectives La puerta está cerrada. / Estoy cansado. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo hablé con Teresa ayer. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Irregular Verbs (Decir, Hacer, Tener, Ir, Ser, Estar) dije, hice, tuve, fui, estuve Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Stem-Changing Verbs  pensé, pensó; dormí, durmió, pedí, pidió Take the quiz!
Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns te lavas, me afeito, se levantan Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense Eran las siete y hacía mucho frío. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Verbs That Change Meaning  Conocí a Antonio. = I met Antonio. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Uses Ella trabajó todo el día. Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense: Uses Eran las siete y hacía mucho frío. Take the quiz!
Preterite / Imperfect: Ser and Estar Eran las siete.  Estuvo aquí por tres horas. Take the quiz!
Se: Reflexive Se despierta a las nueve y se afeita a las diez. Take the quiz!
The Preposition: Por Vamos por tren. / Gracias por todo. Take the quiz!
The Preposition: Para Vine a la biblioteca para estudiar. Take the quiz!
Other Uses of Haber Hay que hablar más con la gente. Take the quiz!
Direct Object Pronouns  Marta compró un libro y lo leyó inmediatamente. Take the quiz!
Indirect Object Pronouns Yo le hablé por teléfono. Take the quiz!


Vocabulary Lists Examples, ...gar, ...zar verbs buscar, jugar, comenzar
Reflexive Verbs acostarse, divertirse, sentarse
La comida auténtica el mole, el flan, la horchata
Expressions often used with the Preterite anoche, ayer, una vez
Expressions Commonly Used with the Imperfect Tense siempre, de niño
Reading: El fútbol caerse, empatar, gemir
Reading: Pescar anzuelo, gusano, caña
Reflexive Verbs  acostarse, enojarse, sentarse
Idiomatic Expressions Me da igual, Ahorita vengo
Travel and Countries volar, la aduana, Madrid, Tegucigalpa
Verbs with Prepositions contar con, enamorarse de, pensar en, preguntar por
Common Past Participles as Adjectives abierto, cerrado, dicho, hecho, roto
Grammar Examples Test Yourself
Imperfect Tense Yo estudiaba en ese colegio. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Irregular Verbs dije, hice, tuve, fui, estuve Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Forms Es importante que yo hable con ella. / Es importante que traigamos los libros. Take the quiz!
Formal Commands / Imperatives Vaya a la biblioteca y busque un buen libro. Take the quiz!
Informal Commands / Imperatives Manolito, ¡limpia tu cuarto y pon la mesa! Take the quiz!
Regular Verb Conjugations: -ar, -er, -ir Verbs canto, cantas, canta, cantamos, cantáis, cantan Take the quiz!
Irregular Verbs: Hacer, Saber and Conocer hago, haces; yo sé, sabes; conozco, conoces Take the quiz!
Stem-Changing Verbs: Dormir duermo, duermes Take the quiz!
Stem-Changing Verbs:  Pedir pido, pides Take the quiz!
Stem-Changing Verbs:  Pensar pienso, piensas Take the quiz!
Highly Irregular Verbs: Estar, Ser and Ir estoy, estás; soy, eres; voy, vas Take the quiz!
Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns te lavas, me afeito, se levantan Take the quiz!
The Verbs Ser vs. Estar Yo soy alto.  Yo estoy en casa. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo hablé con Teresa ayer. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Spelling Irregularities creyó, leyeron, pagué, comencé Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Stem-Changing Verbs  pensé, pensó; dormí, durmió, pedí, pidió Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Verbs That Change Meaning  Conocí a Antonio. = I met Antonio. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Explanation Yo no lo digo pero ella quiere que yo se lo diga. Take the quiz!


Vocabulary Lists Examples
Reflexive Verbs  acostarse, enojarse, sentarse
Time Expressions Used with the Preterite Tense anoche, ayer, el mes pasado
Time No hay mucho tiempo. / ¿Qué hora es? / Lo hice muchas veces.
Clarification Terms, Circumlocution Terms A ver si comprendo bien . . . / Es un tipo de . . .
Venir and Ir Vengan aquí. / ¡Ya voy, mamá!
Directions Camine dos cuadras y doble a la derecha.
Shopping La camisa está en oferta. / ¿Algo más?
Grammar Examples Test Yourself
Present Perfect Tense (with the verb Haber) Nunca has venido a mi casa. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Explanation Yo no lo digo pero ella quiere que yo se lo diga. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Will or Desire Mi madre quiere que yo haga la cama. Take the quiz!
Expressions that ALWAYS Require the Subjunctive Lo digo para que ella lo oiga. Take the quiz!
Expressions that SOMETIMES Require the Subjunctive Lo voy a explicar cuando ella venga.  Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo hablé con Teresa ayer. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Spelling Irregularities creyó, leyeron, pagué, comencé Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Stem-Changing Verbs  pensé, pensó; dormí, durmió, pedí, pidió Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Irregular Verbs dije, hice, tuve, fui, estuve Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense Yo estudiaba en ese colegio. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Uses Ella trabajó todo el día. Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense: Uses Eran las siete y hacía mucho frío. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Verbs That Change Meaning  Conocí a Antonio. = I met Antonio. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Forms Es importante que yo hable con ella. / Es importante que traigamos los libros. Take the quiz!
Formal Commands / Imperatives Vaya a la biblioteca y busque un buen libro. Take the quiz!
Informal Commands / Imperatives Manolito, ¡limpia tu cuarto y pon la mesa! Take the quiz!
The Preposition: Por Vamos por tren. / Gracias por todo. Take the quiz!
The Preposition: Para Vine a la biblioteca para estudiar. Take the quiz!


Vocabulary Lists Examples
Time Expressions Used with the Preterite Tense anoche, ayer, el mes pasado
Reading: El pelo azul pintarse, el tinte, el espejo
Reading: Los fuegos artificiales asustarse, el fósforo, cohetes, quemarse
Sports, Hobbies, Pasttimes baloncesto, equitación, la natación, la cancha
Well-Being aumentar de peso, estar a dieta, la cinta caminadora
Idiomatic Expressions with Dar dar con, dar prisa, darse cuenta de
Idiomatic Expressions with Tener tener calor, tener hambre, tener éxito
Idiomatic Expressions with Hacer hacer viento, hacer la maleta, hacer caso a
Reading: Los dientes perfectos cepillarse, la caries, esperar
Reading: El mejor flan del mundo saber, la flanera, añadir
Fixed Expressions with por por casualidad, por fin, por si acaso
Fixed Expressions with para para nada, para entonces
Prepositional Phrases a favor de, antes de, en vez de
Reading: Delicioso, sabroso, rico, rico, rico antes de que, contener, la manteca
Reading: Sabe delicioso probar, dondequiera, el sabor
Interrogative Words ¿Dónde?  ¿Cómo?  ¿Por qué?
Common Adverbs used to answer questions bastante bien, ayer, nunca, aquí
Answers to yes/no questions Sí, No, Claro que no, Ni modo
Grammar Examples Test Yourself
Present Subjunctive with Emotion Me alegro que hayas venido. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Disbelief, Doubt and Negation Dudo que tengamos bastante tiempo. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with the Undefined or Nonexistent Busco una persona que hable inglés y alemán. Take the quiz!
The Pronoun se with Double Object Pronouns Le debo dinero y mañana se lo voy a dar. Take the quiz!
Future Tense Lo haremos mañana. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo hablé con Teresa ayer. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Spelling Irregularities creyó, leyeron, pagué, comencé Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Stem-Changing Verbs  pensé, pensó; dormí, durmió, pedí, pidió Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Irregular Verbs dije, hice, tuve, fui, estuve Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Verbs That Change Meaning  Conocí a Antonio. = I met Antonio. Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense Yo estudiaba en ese colegio. Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense: Uses Eran las siete y hacía mucho frío. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Uses Ella trabajó todo el día. Take the quiz!
Time Expressions with Hacer Hace un año que lo vimos. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Forms Es importante que yo hable con ella. / Es importante que traigamos los libros. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Wanting Mi madre quiere que yo haga la cama. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Permission Deja que ella lo haga. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Prohibition Ella prohibe que lo hagas. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Preference Prefiere que no lo hagamos. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Demand or Request Te exijo que vengas mañana. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Suggestion or Recommendation Nos sugiere que vayamos pronto. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions Es mejor que lo hagamos. Take the quiz!
Expressions that ALWAYS Require the Subjunctive Lo digo para que ella lo oiga. Take the quiz!
Uses of si Clauses Si llueve, no podremos jugar. Take the quiz!
The Pronoun se as a Reflexive Pronoun Mi amigo se levanta muy temprano. Take the quiz!
The Pronoun se in Passive Voice Constructions Se arreglan relojes. Take the quiz!
The Pronoun se with Unplanned Events Se me cayó la pluma. Take the quiz!
The Pronoun se with Reciprocal Actions Juan y Ana se conocen. Take the quiz!
Comparatives Federico es más alto que Carlitos Take the quiz!
Superlatives Federico es el más alto de todos Take the quiz!


Vocabulary Examples
Reading: El trabajo perdido torpe, emplear, tejer
Reading: El beso de la iguana el castigo, cruzar en rojo, convertirse
Idiomatic Expressions with Commands and Subjunctive Cueste lo que cueste., Que te vaya bien.
Emotions used with the Subjunctive alegrarse de, sorprender, tener miedo de
El cinco de mayo la libertad, el desfile, la victoria
Reflexive Verbs  acostarse, enojarse, sentarse
Verbos sinónimos amar = querer, empezar = comenzar
Verbos antónimos construir <> destruir, subir <> bajar
Present Subjunctive: Explanation Yo no lo digo pero ella quiere que yo se lo diga. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Disbelief, Doubt and Negation Dudo que tengamos bastante tiempo. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with the Undefined or Nonexistent Busco una persona que hable inglés y alemán. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Quizás, Tal vez, Aunque, De modo que Quizás Jorge pueda traerlo. Take the quiz!
Future Tense Lo haremos mañana. Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense Yo estudiaba en ese colegio. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo hablé con Teresa ayer. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Spelling Irregularities creyó, leyeron, pagué, comencé Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Stem-Changing Verbs  pensé, pensó; dormí, durmió, pedí, pidió Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Irregular Verbs dije, hice, tuve, fui, estuve Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Verbs That Change Meaning  Conocí a Antonio. = I met Antonio. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Forms Es importante que yo hable con ella. / Es importante que traigamos los libros. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions Es mejor que lo hagamos. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Will or Desire Mi madre quiere que yo haga la cama. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Emotion Me alegro que hayas venido. Take the quiz!
Expressions that ALWAYS Require the Subjunctive Lo digo para que ella lo oiga. Take the quiz!
Expressions that SOMETIMES Require the Subjunctive Lo voy a explicar cuando ella venga.  Take the quiz!
Formal Commands / Imperatives Vaya a la biblioteca y busque un buen libro. Take the quiz!
Informal Commands / Imperatives Manolito, ¡limpia tu cuarto y pon la mesa! Take the quiz!


Vocabulary Examples
Pedir and Preguntar Me pidió la información / Me preguntó si conocía a Tina.
Verbs that Change Meaning in Preterite concocer, poder, saber, querer
Verbs Commonly Used with the Subjunctive desear, alegrarse, dudar
Expressions Commonly Used with the Subjunctive es importante, para que, tan pronto como
Preterite and Imperfect Together Leía el periódico cuando ella llegó. Take the quiz!
Por vs. Para Gracias por todo. / Vine para estudiar. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Explanation Yo no lo digo pero ella quiere que yo se lo diga. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Creer and Pensar Creemos que lo tenga. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Quizás, Tal vez, Aunque, De modo que Quizás Jorge pueda traerlo. Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense Yo estudiaba en ese colegio. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo hablé con Teresa ayer. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Spelling Irregularities creyó, leyeron, pagué, comencé Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Stem-Changing Verbs  pensé, pensó; dormí, durmió, pedí, pidió Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Irregular Verbs dije, hice, tuve, fui, estuve Take the quiz!
The Preposition: Por Vamos por tren. / Gracias por todo. Take the quiz!
The Preposition: Para Vine a la biblioteca para estudiar. Take the quiz!
Artículo definido - Usos avanzados Estarémos en El Perú por tres semanas. N/A
Artículo indefinido - Usos avanzados a thousand = mil N/A
Present Subjunctive: Forms Es importante que yo hable con ella. / Es importante que traigamos los libros. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions Es mejor que lo hagamos. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Will or Desire Mi madre quiere que yo haga la cama. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Emotion Me alegro que hayas venido. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Disbelief, Doubt and Negation Dudo que tengamos bastante tiempo. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with the Undefined or Nonexistent Busco una persona que hable inglés y alemán. Take the quiz!
Expressions that ALWAYS Require the Subjunctive Lo digo para que ella lo oiga. Take the quiz!
Expressions that SOMETIMES Require the Subjunctive Lo voy a explicar cuando ella venga.  Take the quiz!
Comparatives Federico es más alto que Carlitos Take the quiz!
Direct Object Pronouns  Marta compró un libro y lo leyó inmediatamente. Take the quiz!
Indirect Object Pronouns Yo le hablé por teléfono. Take the quiz!
Reflexive Pronouns Mi amigo se levanta muy temprano. Take the quiz!
Vocabulary Examples
Time Expressions Used with the Preterite Tense anoche, ayer, el mes pasado
Expressions with por por cierto, por lo visto, por si acaso
Expressions with para para entonces, para siempre
Antiguas expresiones españoles dar el sí, callar el pico, el Señor Fulano de tal
Antiguas expresiones típicas Que tenga un buen viaje, Que aproveche
Interjections Ay, Huy, Uf, Venga, Caramba
Future Tense Lo haremos mañana. Take the quiz!
Conditional Tense Lo haríamos con más dinero. Take the quiz!
Past (Imperfect) Subjunctive Era importante que lo hiciéramos. Take the quiz!
Past (Imperfect) Subjunctive or Conditional in Polite Expressions ¿Pudieras acompañarme? Take the quiz!
Present Perfect Tense: Subjunctive Mood (with the verb Haber) Es una lástima que nunca hayas venido a mi casa. Take the quiz!
Imperfect Tense Yo estudiaba en ese colegio. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs Yo canté con Teresa en el coro. Take the quiz!
Preterite Tense: Verbs That Change Meaning  Conocí a Antonio. = I met Antonio. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Forms Es importante que yo hable con ella. / Es importante que traigamos los libros. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive: Explanation Yo no lo digo pero ella quiere que yo se lo diga. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions Es mejor que lo hagamos. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Will or Desire Mi madre quiere que yo haga la cama. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Emotion Me alegro que hayas venido. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Disbelief, Doubt and Negation Dudo que tengamos bastante tiempo. Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with the Undefined or Nonexistent Busco una persona que hable inglés y alemán. Take the quiz!
Expressions that ALWAYS Require the Subjunctive Lo digo para que ella lo oiga. Take the quiz!
Expressions that SOMETIMES Require the Subjunctive Lo voy a explicar cuando ella venga.  Take the quiz!
Present Subjunctive with Quizás, Tal vez, Aunque, De modo que Quizás Jorge pueda traerlo. Take the quiz!
Formal Commands / Imperatives Vaya a la biblioteca y busque un buen libro. Take the quiz!
Informal Commands / Imperatives Manolito, ¡limpia tu cuarto y pon la mesa! Take the quiz!
Present Perfect Tense: Regular (Indicative) Mood (with the verb Haber)  Nunca has venido a mi casa. Take the quiz!
Past Perfect Tense: Indicative and Subjunctive Moods  Antes de ayer, nunca habías venido a mi casa. Take the quiz!


Vocabulary Examples
Modismos vender el burro para comprar la albarda
Refranes No hay pero sordo que él que no quiere oír.
Trabalenguas Erre con erre cigarro, erre con erre barril . . .
Adivinanzas En lo alto vive, en lo alto mora, teje que teje, la tejedora . . .
Differences in Accents in Spanish Speaking Countries "Cinco" en México vs. "Cinco" en España
Antónimos claro y oscuro / antes y después
Sinónimos adquirir y conseguir / acercar y aproximar
Verbs That Change Meaning with the Pronoun se Ella se durmió a las nueve.

See Below for Course descriptions for Superior Levels

Detailed Course Descriptions

Transfers to CSU

For students with no prior Spanish knowledge. Emphasis is on basic communication skills. Topics include: present tense verb conjugation, basic sentence structure, introduction of the verbs "ser," "estar," "ir," "querer," "llamar," "gustar," "tener + que + infinitive verb," "ir + a + infinitive verb," agreement of nouns and adjectives, definite and indefinite articles, interrogative (question) words, "tú" vs. "usted," numbers, use of "hay," greetings, expressions of courtesy, and other useful vocabulary.

Day 1:  Introduction and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions and "Una busqueda" (A Search); Active Vocabulary, Conversations; Forms of Address and Conversations; Subject Pronouns; Introduction To Regular Verb Conjugations; More Active Vocabulary; Review Vocabulary, Subject Pronouns, and Verbs; Crossword and Word Scramble

Day 2:  Review Regular -ar Verb Conjugations; Asking Questions; Submarino Game; Review Regular -er and -ir Verb Conjugations; Interrogative Words and Entrevista (Interview); Active Vocabulary; Practice; Irregular Verbs: ESTAR; Practice

Day 3: Review Irregular Verb: ESTAR; Practice; Student Self-introductions in Spanish; Agreement of Nouns in Spanish; Definite and Indefinite Articles; Review Agreement of Nouns and Articles; Practice; Irregular Verb: SER; Practice

Day 4:  Agreement of Adjectives in Spanish; Active Vocabulary; Practice; Ser and Estar; Practice; The Verb Gustar, Active Vocabulary; Irregular Verbs; Practice

Day 5: Stem-changing Verb: Tener; Practice; "Tener + que + infinitive verb;" Practice; Stem-changing verb: Querer; Review of Low-Beginning Grammar and Vocabulary

Transfers to CSU

For students with a brief introduction to Spanish. Topics include: review of "tú" vs. "usted," conjugation of regular verbs and "estar," introduction of conjunctions, basic prepositions, pronunciation differences between English and Spanish, questioning skills and interrogatives, Spanish slang and sayings, bargaining tips, loaning an object, cognates and false cognates, conjunctions and simple prepositions, cultural concept of time, and more useful vocabulary. Optional: Pronounce It Perfectly in Spanish (book and tape available in the LTCC Bookstore upon arrival).

Day 1Introduction and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions and "Una busqueda" (A Search); Active Vocabulary; Tú y Usted / Conversations; Subject Pronouns and Conversations; Review of Regular Verb Conjugations; Practice; Active Vocabulary; Practice

Day 2: Asking Questions; Practice; Active Vocabulary; Practice; Spanish Slang and Culture: Bargaining; Review of Estar and Practice
Day 3: Practice with Estar and Vocabulary; Loan of an Object and Practice; Alphabet, Consonants; Hangman Game; Vowels and Practice; Diphthongs, Linking; Practice
Day 4: Review Alphabet and Practice; Accents and Practice; Cognates and Practice; False Cognates and Practice; Conjunctions and Practice; Simple Prepositions; Practice

Day 5: Culture: Time; Mini-dialog Practice; Pronunciation Differences; Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Peru, Argentina; Pictionary Game in Spanish

Transfers to CSU

For students familiar with the present tense. Topics include: review of present tense verb conjugation, verbs "ser," "estar," "gustar," "ir," "ir + a + infinitive verb," "tener," "tener + que + infinitive verb," "tú " vs. "usted," greetings, farewells, conversation, and questioning skills, introduction of gender of nouns, definite and indefinite articles, subject pronouns, contractions, descriptive and limiting adjectives, stem-changing verb "venir," irregular verbs "hacer," "poner," and "salir," present progressive tense ("estar + gerund"), telling time, and more useful vocabulary.

Day 1: Introductions and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions; Greetings; Conversations; Agreement of Nouns in Spanish; the Definite Article; Practice; the Indefinite Article and Practice; Subject Pronouns; Regular Verb Conjugations; Active Vocabulary; Review Vocabulary, Subject Pronouns, and Verbs; Submarino Game

Day 2:  Asking Questions; Conversations and Interview; Practice and Active Vocabulary; Review Regular Verb Conjugations; Practice; Irregular Verb: ESTAR; Practice and Interview; ¿Quién?; Irregular Verbs; Practice

Day 3: Review Agreement of Adjectives; Practice; Submarino Game; Ser and Estar; Practice; Irregular Verb: IR; Practice; Review Ser, Estar, and Ir; Active Vocabulary; Irregular Verbs: Tener and Venir

Day 4: Review Tener and Venir; Practice; Verb Practice; Contractions al and del, Practice; Active Vocabulary Practice; "Tener + age + Me presento," Irregular Verbs: HACER, PONER; and SALIR; Practice; Irregular Verbs: Stem-changing Verbs; Active Vocabulary

Day 5: Review Irregular and Stem-changing Verbs; Practice; Telling Time; Practice; Review Irregular Verbs and Time; Gustar and Practice; Present Progressive Tense; Asking For Directions; Review: High-Beginning Grammar and Vocabulary

Transfers to CSU

For students with working knowledge of the present tense. Emphasis is on vocabulary development, communication strategies and oral proficiency. Topics include: review of the present tense including stem-changing verbs, greetings, farewells, conversations, "tú" vs. "usted," interrogative (question) words, "tener + que + infinitive verb" to show obligation, "ir + a + infinitive verb" to express the future, and the present progressive tense ("estar + present participle"), introduction of reflexive verbs and pronouns, "conocer" and "saber," brief introduction of the imperfect and preterit tenses, and more useful vocabulary.

Day 1:  Introductions and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions; Greetings and Conversation; Conjugation of Regular Verbs; Practice; Submarino Game; Interrogative Words and Conversation; Interview and Practice; Irregular Verb: ESTAR; Practice and ¿Quién?, Irregular Verb: SER; Practice

Day 2: Ser and Estar; Practice; Me presento; Irregular Verbs; Practice; Irregular verbs: TENER and VENIR; Practice

Day 3:  Present Progressive Tense, Interview and Practice; Irregular Verbs; HACER, PONER, and SALIR; Practice; Irregular Verbs: QUERER, PENSAR, and PREFERIR; Practice; Conocer and Saber; Irregular Verbs: DORMIR, PODER, and VOLVER; Practice

Day 4: Review Irregular Verbs; Irregular Verbs: SEGUIR, PEDIR, and DECIR; Crossword Puzzle; Active Vocabulary and Interview; Conversation; Active Vocabulary; Word Scramble; Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns; Active Vocabulary

Day 5: Review Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns; Practice; the Imperfect Tense; Practice; Submarino Game; the Preterite Tense; Review: Low-Intermediate Grammar and Vocabulary

Transfers to CSU

For students with one year of college Spanish or the equivalent. Topics include: review of regular verb conjugation, irregular verb "ser," present progressive tense ("estar + present participle"), the imperfect tense, reflexive verbs and pronouns, introduction to the preterite tense and irregular verbs in the preterite tense, verbs that change meaning when used in the preterite, comparison of preterite and imperfect tenses, vocabulary of time, cultural information on daily life and housing, use of "mucho" and "poco" as adjectives and adverbs, borrowed words from Spanish and English, weather and the verb "hacer," adjectives and cognates suffix patterns, more false cognates, demonstrative adjectives, new vocabulary development, emphasis on communication strategies, and more Spanish slang and sayings.

Day 1: Introductions and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions; Review Regular and Irregular Verbs; Interview; Review Shopping Vocabulary and Practice; Review Present Progressive and Practice; Preterite Tense: Regular Verbs; Practice

Day 2: Preterite Tense: Irregular Verbs; Practice; Words of Doubt; Preterite Tense: Change of Meaning; Active Vocabulary; Practice; Spanish Slang / Street Spanish; Vocabulary Practice

Day 3: Review Imperfect and Practice; Active Vocabulary and Practice; Culture: Daily Life; Review Reflexive Verbs / Pronouns; Active Vocabulary: Daily Life and Practice; More Active Vocabulary: La Casa; Practice

Day 4: Compare Preterite and Imperfects Tenses; Practice; Adverbs: Mucho and Poco and Practice; Borrowed Words and Cognates; Weather: El Tiempo and Practice; More Active Vocabulary: Weather; Practice

Day 5: Suffix Patterns: Adjectives and Cognates; Practice; False Cognates; Adjectives: Mucho and Poco: Adjectives: Demonstrative; Practice; Pictionary; Review: Intermediate Grammar and Vocabulary

This course, a continuation of SPA 122B ISSI Intermediate, is designed to continue building grammatical structures that focus on speaking, reading, writing, and understanding. Topics include a review of the present tense and a comparison of the present and present progressive tenses. Students will review the preterite and imperfect tenses, compare and contrast the preterite and imperfect tenses, and be introduced to additional uses in more complex sentences, review and continue use of reflexive verbs, and 8 uses of "se." New Vocabulary and grammatical structures will be presented and developed in conversational and written contexts.

This course is a continuation of SPA 122C: ISSI Intermediate Level II. It is designed to continue building grammatical structures that focus on speaking, reading, writing and understanding at a higher intermediate level. The course is designed as a bridge to build the skills necessary to advance to a high intermediate level. Students will review the structure and uses of preterite and imperfect tenses and compare and contrast the preterite and imperfect tenses at more advanced and complex levels. Students will be introduced to additional uses, triggers, and time cues for the preterite/imperfect tenses. Uses of "se", direct and indirect pronouns, roots and endings, and prepositions will be covered. New vocabulary will be introduced and grammatical structures will be presented and developed in conversational and written contexts.

Day 1: Introduction and Preterite - Regular Verbs; Preterite - Spelling- changing - AR, Stem-changing-IR Verbs, and Reflexive Verbs; Preterite - Irregular Verbs; Submarino and Authentic Food Vocabulary

Day 2: Imperfect - Regular and Irregular; Preterite vs. Imperfect; Ser and Estar in the Preterite/Imperfect

Day 3: More Preterite/Imperfect Practice; Uses of "Se"; Idiomatic Espressions and Travel and Countries Vocabulary

Day 4: Present Perfect; Uses of Haber; Prefixes and Suffixes, Prepositions, and Cultural Differences

Day 5: Direct Object Pronouns; Indirect Object Pronouns; Past Participles as Adjectives Vocabulary and Review Activity


Transfers to CSU

For students with at least 2-3 years of college-level Spanish or the equivalent. Students should have a command of the present tense and a working knowledge of the past tense and expressing the future with "ir + a + infinitive verb." Vocabulary development and communication strategies will be emphasized. Topics include: review of regular and irregular verbs in the present tense, differences between "conocer" and "saber," reflexive verbs and pronouns, "ser" and "estar," the imperfect and preterite tenses and their uses, and vocabulary for time, introduction of the present subjunctive mood, formal and informal commands, and more useful vocabulary.

Day 1: Introductions and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions; Conjugation of Regular and Irregular Verbs; Practice; Words of Doubt; Reflexive verbs and "¿Qué hacen?"; Ser and Estar, Me presento and Practice

Day 2: Personal questions and the Imperfect Tense; Practice and Interview; Lecture: "El hombre que tenía dos esposas"; Submarino Game; Preterite Tense and Practice

Day 3: Irregular Verbs in the Preterite; Practice; Words of Doubt; Verbs That Change Meaning in the Preterite; Practice; Submarino Game; Present Subjunctive Mood; Practice

Day 4: Review Present Subjunctive Mood; Explanation of Present Subjunctive; Practice; Active Vocabulary and Practice; Review of Present Subjunctive; Formal Commands and Practice; Familiar commands and Practice

Day 5: Practice and Words of Doubt; Active Vocabulary and "A Lost Tourist;" Review of Present Subjunctive; Familiar Commands and Practice; Practice and Conversation; Review: High-Intermediate Grammar and Vocabulary

This course, a continuation of SPA 122D ISSI High Intermediate, is for students with 1-2 years of Spanish at the college level or the equivalent. This course will provide a review and in-depth comparison of preterite and imperfect tenses, review preterite of irregular and stem-changing verbs, will further develop the subjunctive mood, and will expand preposition usage and past tense time expressions, and idiomatic expressions. New vocabulary will be presented and developed in conversational and academic contexts. Complex structures will be introduced and difficult grammatical items will be reviewed and new items introduced. This course is conducted almost entirely in Spanish.  

This course is a continuation of SPA 122E: ISSI High Intermediate Level II. This course will provide a review of the preterite and imperfect tenses, expand the uses of the preterite and imperfect, and apply and use these in more complex sentence structures. The present subjunctive will be reviewed and expanded uses and triggers will be introduced. Expanded uses of prepositions, pronouns, and other difficult grammar items will be reviewed and new items introduced. New vocabulary will be presented and developed in conversational and written contexts.

Day 1: Introduction and Preterite and Imperfect - Regular and Irregular Verbs; Preterite vs. Imperfect, and Importance of Home and Family

Day 2: More Preterite vs. Imperfect, and Time Expressions with Hacer; Present Subjunctive - Regular and Irregular Verbs, and Idiomatic Expressions

Day 3: Present Subjunctive Uses/Verbs that trigger the Subjunctive; Emotions Vocabulary, Uses of "Se"; Prepositions and Conjunctions

Day 4: Subjunctive vs. Indicative Moods, and Uses of "Si" clauses; Holidays Vocabulary; Comparatives and Superlatives

Day 5: Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns, and Double Object Pronouns; Expressing speculation/guessing or doubt with the future; Synonyms/Antonyms

Transfers to CSU

For students with a minimum of 2-3 years of college-level Spanish or the equivalent. Students should have a working knowledge and command of most tenses. Complex sentence patterns will expand vocabulary using idiomatic expressions, slang, and difficult grammatical principles. Topics include: review of commands, introduction to advanced uses of the preterite and imperfect tenses, differences between "pedir" and "preguntar," additional uses of the present subjunctive mood, the future tense, short essays and poetry, and more useful vocabulary.

Day 1: Introductions and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions; the Imperfect Tense; Practice, Interview and Words of Doubt; Story: "El hombre que tenía dos esposas"; Poem: "Anoche cuando dormía"; the Past Tense; Practice; Verbs in the Past and Imperfect Tenses; Exercises; Lecture: "Cuatro sobrevivientes en tragedia aérea"; Poem: "Triolet"; Refranes; Submarino Game

Day 2: The Present Subjunctive Mood; Practice; the Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions; the Subjunctive with Wish or Desire; Practice; the Subjunctive with Verbs of Emotion; Exercises; Review of the Subjunctive; the Subjunctive In Order To Express Doubt, Incredibility and Negation; Exercises

Day 3: Review of the Subjunctive Mood; the Subjunctive In Order To Express the Undefined and Nonexistent; Lecture: "Oración de un padre"; Expressions Requiring the Subjunctive; Expressions Requiring the Subjunctive or the Indicative; Practice; Words for "Maybe;" Sayings; Expressing Purpose; General Review of the Subjunctive

Day 4: Review Present Subjunctive Mood; Lecture: "Carta a papá"; Commands and Sayings; Exercises; Informal Commands; Practice; Review of the Subjunctive and Commands; Lecture: Dios padre...

Day 5: The Future; Practice and Sayings; Lecture: "De lo que aconteció a un mancebo que se casó con una mujer muy fuerte y muy brava"; Review: Low-Advanced Grammar and Vocabulary

Transfers to CSU

For students with at least 2-3 years of college-level Spanish or the equivalent. Topics include: review of difficulties with the preterite and imperfect tenses, the present subjunctive mood, direct and indirect object pronouns, reflexive pronouns, and the future tense, introduction of more complex uses of the subjunctive mood, new vocabulary, and related expressions to expand communicative strategies, advanced use of vocabulary and intricate grammatical structures taught through literature, uses of "por" and "para," advanced uses of definite and indefinite articles, uses of the infinitive, comparatives, and popular sayings.

Day 1: Introductions and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions; the Imperfect Tense; Practice, Interview; Literature: "La Muerte de Artemio Cruz"; the Preterite Tense; Practice; Literature: "La Celestina"; the Preterite and the Imperfect Tenses Together and Practice

Day 2: Por and Practice; Expressions With Por and Para and Practice; Para and Expressions and Practice; Por and Para Together; Definite Articles and Practice; Indefinite Articles and Practice; Literature: "La Muerte de Artemio Cruz"; Tongue Twisters

Day 3: The Present Subjunctive; Explanation and the Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions; the Subjunctive With Verbs of Wish and Desire; the Subjunctive With Verbs of Emotion; the Subjunctive In Order to Express Doubt, Incredibility, and Negation; Use of "Creer" and "Pensar" With the Subjunctive; the Subjunctive In Order To Express the Undefined or Nonexistent; Expressions That Require the Subjunctive; Expressions That Require the Subjunctive or the Indicative and Practice; Using Words That Express "Maybe" With the Subjunctive; Lecture: "Oración de un padre"

Day 4: General Review of the Subjunctive Mood; New Use of the Subjunctive and Practice; Active Vocabulary and Practice; the Infinitive and Practice; Comparatives and Practice; Direct Object Pronouns and Practice; Indirect Object Pronouns and Practice

Day 5: Reflexive Pronouns and Practice; Tongue Twisters and Popular Sayings; Literature: "Pedro Páramo"; Review of the Future Tense and Practice; Review: Advanced Grammar and Vocabulary

Transfers to CSU

For students with at least 3 years of college-level Spanish or the equivalent. Grammatical structures and vocabulary expansion will be highlighted through literature selections, business terminology, forms, letters, and street slang. Topics include: review of uses of the preterite and imperfect tenses, and the subjunctive mood, introduction of the conditional tense, the imperfect subjunctive mood, expressions of courtesy and getting one's attention, the present perfect tense, and the past perfect tense.

Day 1: Introductions and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions; the Imperfect Tense; Practice, Interview and Words of Doubt; Poem: Anoche cuando dormía; the Preterite Tense; Linguistic Note and Exercises; Verbs in the Preterite and Imperfect Tenses; Practice; Lecture: Cuatro sobrevivientes en tragedia aérea; Poem: "Triolet y Refranes"; Review of the Preterite and Imperfect Tenses; Poem: "Iba you por un camino"; the Present Subjunctive Mood; Explanation and the Subjunctive With Impersonal Expressions

Day 2: The Subjunctive With Verbs of Wishing and Desiring; Practice; the Subjunctive With Verbs of Emotion; Exercises; the Subjunctive In Order To Express Doubt, Incredibility, and Negation; Practice; the Subjunctive In Order to Express the Undefined and the Nonexistent; Lecture: "Oración de un padre"; Expressions That Require the Subjunctive; Expressions That Require the Subjunctive or the Indicative; Practice

Day 3: Using Words That Express "Maybe;" Sayings; Expressing Purpose; General Review of the Subjunctive; Vocabulary for Doubt; Lecture: "Carta a papá"; Commands and Exercises; Lecture: "Dios padre..."; Lecture: "De lo que aconteció a un mancebo que se casó con una mujer muy fuerte y muy brava"

Day 4: The Future Tense; The Conditional Tense; The Imperfect Subjunctive Mood; The Imperfect Subjunctive and the Conditional in Requests and Expressions of Courtesy; Lecture: "No nos digamos adiós..."; Exercises; Lecture: "Instantes"; Courtesy; Invitation and Linguistic Note; the Present Perfect Tense

Day 5: Form: Exchange Program; Lecture: "Solicitud de Ayuda Federal Estudiantil y Comprensión"; the Past Perfect Tense and Practice; Form: Employment Application; Letters; Review: High-Advanced Grammar and Vocabulary

Transfers to CSU

For students with at least 3 years of college-level Spanish or the equivalent. Vocabulary enrichment will be highlighted through idioms, proverbs, synonyms and antonyms. Topics include: review of the past subjunctive mood, the conditional tense, the pronoun "se," "if" clauses, modern idioms, the perfect subjunctive mood, complex sentences, recognition of the different accents of the Spanish-speaking world, and improving your Spanish accent. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Optional: Pronounce It Perfectly in Spanish (book and tape available in the LTCC Bookstore upon arrival).

Day 1: Introductions and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions; Review of the Conditional Tense and Practice; Past Subjunctive Mood; Review of Past Subjunctive Mood and Conditional Tense

Day 2: Idioms and Proverbs; Review of "Se" (Reflexives and Double Object Pronouns); Review of Se (Impersonal and Passive Voice Constructions); Discussing Accidents and Unexpected Events

Day 3: Review of "Se" (Reciprocal and Infinitive); Literature: "Cien Años de soledad"; Perfect Subjunctive Mood; Practice

Day 4: Literature: "La Celestina"; Complex Sentences; Tongue Twisters and Riddles; Differences in Accents in the Spanish-speaking World

Day 5: Differences in Accents in the Spanish-speaking World Continued; Synonyms and Antonyms; Review: Low Superior Grammar and Vocabulary

Transfers to CSU

For students ready to challenge their oral and listening skills. Using periodical articles and literary selections, students will debate, question, explain, and describe in Spanish. Crucial grammatical structures related to course materials will be reviewed. Course is conducted entirely in Spanish.

Day 1: Introductions and Orientation; Teacher Introduction; Class Philosophy and Materials; Student Introductions; Poetry

Day 2: El testimonio. Rigoberta Menchu

Day 3: Narrativa. Ana Maria Matute

Day 4: Poesia. Rosario Castellanos

Day 5: Literatura y terminos de literatura. Ricardo Palma, La camisa de Margarita.

Course: TBA

Materials Fee $10.

This is a new course available to High Superior students, even if you have taken a High Superior course in the past.