Work Experience

Work-based learning (WBL) allows you to apply classroom content in professional settings while gaining real-world experience. It spans a continuum of experiences - from career awareness to training - that allow you to apply classroom content in professional settings while gaining real-world experience and demonstrating competencies to your employer. Faculty and staff at Lake Tahoe Community College ensure these hands-on experiences are supported by classroom learning. You may cycle back through the continuum many times throughout college and your career.
During the Work Experience courses, you will create goals, complete assignments to improve professional skills, reflect on your skills and abilities, and have your skills and abilities evaluated by your worksite supervisor.
The following academic units earned outline the hours worked:
The minimum number of hours a student must work within the quarter is 50 hours (this earns 1 academic credit). If the minimum hours are not accomplished, the student will earn a failing grade.
50 hours per quarter = 1 unit
100 hours per quarter = 2 units
150 hours per quarter = 3 units
200 hours per quarter = 4 units
250 hours per quarter = 5 units
300 hours per quarter = 6 units
Registering for Work Experience and Internship Classes
What you need:
- A Work-Based Learning Enrollment Permit signed by the instructor
- A completed Registration Card or Add/Drop Form
Request registration from Amber Goligoski to receive your Enrollment Permit
Send an email to that includes:
- Name of your employer (orgaanization name)
- Average number of hours worked each week
- Educational goal (or undecided)
- Career goal (or undecided)
- Does your Academic Plan or Financial Aid (including the Promise Program or EOPS) require
you to enroll in a specific number of units?
- If yes, list which program and the number of units
- Does your degree or certificate require the course?
- If yes, which program?
Schedule an Orientation through Cranium Cafe
During this appointment, we will review the required coursework and answer your questions about the class. Students who do not complete the orientation during the first week of class may be dropped.
Schedule a meeting here:
Group Meetings (Online and In-Person)
Individual Meetings (Online and In-Person)
Call or Text with questions: (530) 303-8164
Syllabus - Late-Start 6-Week course
Enrollment Permit - Request the Form
Code of Conduct and Survey - Request the Form
Supervisor Agreement
Objectives Worksheets
Worksite Info & Objectives Form
Skills Assignments
- Adaptability
- Analysis/Solution Mindset
- Collaboration
- Entrepreneurial Mindset
- Reading
- Worksheet
- Entrepreneurship in the Workplace
- Reading
- Worksheet
Mid-Quarter Professional Development Assignment
Interview Assignment
Feedback Forms
Supervisor Evaluation
Work Experience & Internship Students are required to complete Skills Assignments.
21st Century Skills Go by Many Names:
Competencies, applied skills, cross-disciplinary skills, transferable skills, employability
skills, and soft skills.
What They Are:
Knowledge, work habits, and character traits necessary to succeed in this rapidly
changing world.
The Good News:
Just like any other subject, 21st Century Skills can be taught, practiced, and incorporated
into everyone’s life.
Have a question?
We’re just a call or email away:
Lake Tahoe Community College
One College Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 494-2584 x 211
More information and resources are available at LTCC Career Services.
- Amber Goligoskiemail