
The Music program at Lake Tahoe Community College is committed to providing quality music instruction to meet the needs of its students. An Associate degree and a Certificate are offered in the field of Commercial Music.
See current catalog for details.
37-39.5 units distributed as follows:
1. All courses from the following (22.25 units):
MUS 104B History of Rock Music (4)
MUS 111 Basic Music Theory I (4.75)
MUS 119C Pro Tools User Certification Course- Pro Tools 101 and 110 (4.5)
MUS 120C Beginning Audio Production (4.5)
MUS 120D Beginning Audio Editing (4.5)
2. Music History Electives (4 units):
One course selected from the following:
MUS 104C Music of the World (4)
MUS 104E The Beatles (4)
MUS 104F History of Jazz (4)
3. Performance Electives (8.75-10.75 units):
A minimum of 8.75 units selected from the following:
MUS 116A Drumset (2)
MUS 116C Guitar (2)
MUS 116D Piano (2.75)
MUS 116E Voice (2)
MUS 116F Voice: Broadway/Pop Styles (2)
4. Ensemble Electives (2-2.5 units):
A minimum of 2 units selected from the following:
MUS 116F Voice: Broadway/Pop Styles (2)
MUS 248A Beginning Rock Ensemble (2.5)
MUS 248B Intermediate Rock Ensemble (2.5)
C. ELECTIVE UNITS to bring the total to 90.
Certificate of Achievement in Commercial Music
27.5-28.75 units distributed as follows:
1. All courses from the following (17.5 units):
MUS 104B History of Rock Music (4)
MUS 119C Pro Tools User Certification Course- Pro Tools 101 and 110 (4.5)
MUS 120C Beginning Audio Production (4.5)
MUS 120D Beginning Audio Editing (4.5)
2. Performance Electives:
A minimum of 8 units selected from the following:
Note: Each course can only be counted once towards one area of electives.
MUS 116A Drumset (2)
MUS 116C Guitar (2)
MUS 116D Piano (2.75)
MUS 116E Voice (2)
MUS 116F Voice: Broadway/Pop Styles (2)
3. Ensemble Electives:
A minimum of 2 units selected from the following:
Note: Each course can only be counted once towards one area of electives.
MUS 248A Beginning Rock Ensemble (2.5)
MUS 248B Intermediate Rock Ensemble (2.5)
MUS 116F Voice: Broadway/Pop Styles (2)
Certificate of Achievement in Recording Technology
13.5 units distributed as follows:
1. All courses from the following (13.5 units):
MUS 119C Pro Tools User Certification Course- Pro Tools 101 and 110 (4.5)
MUS 120C Beginning Audio Production (4.5)
MUS 120D Beginning Audio Editing (4.5)
This employable skills certificate provides the student with an entry level official industry certificate in Pro Tools, the recording industry's software standard. It is designed to prepare the student for entry level positions that lead to career paths such as: recording engineer, live sound reinforcement, music production and post production audio, and digital media/gaming audio.
AVID PRO TOOLS USER CERTIFICATE: This official certificate is the first level for the recording industry software standard, Pro Tools®.
All courses from the following (6 units):
MUS 119A Pro Tools 101: Pro Tools Fundamentals I (3)
MUS 119B Pro Tools 110: Pro Tools Fundamentals II (3)
Note: Students must also pass the official AVID Certification Exam to receive this certificate.
See related degrees and certificates in Business, Hospitality, & Leadership Meta Major →
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We’re just a call or email away:
Lake Tahoe Community College
One College Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 541-4660 x 211
- Dr. Mark WilliamsMusic Department Chairemail