
Lake Tahoe Community College's Forestry Education and Job Placement Program is designed
to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and the technical skills needed
for entry-level employment in a variety of forestry-related fields and to prepare
students for continued study leading to a more advanced degree. With an interdisciplinary
program of study and field-based learning experiences, students will gain an understanding
of forestry principles while also developing the scientific skills required in the
Students are encouraged to speak with a LTCC counselor and review the stackable degrees and certificates before registering for Forestry classes:
B. REQUIRED COURSES: 36.25- 38.25 units distributed as follows:
1. All courses from the following (20.25 units):
FOR 110 Introduction to Forestry (4)
FOR 110L Introduction to Forestry Lab (1.25)
FOR 111 Forest Resources and Society (4)
FOR 112 Current Issues in Forestry and Natural Resources (4)
FOR 133 Internship - Occupational Work Experience (2)
MAT 201 Elementary Statistics (5)
EVS 110 California Naturalist Program (4.5)
FIR 167 Wildland Fire Safety and Hand Crew Operations (3.5)
GEG 134/CIS 135A ArcGIS Online (3.5)
GEG 135/CIS 135B ArcGIS Desktop (3.5)
WLD 105C Wilderness Navigation (1.5)
BIO 102 Principles of Biology II (5)
BIO 103 Principles of Biology III (5)
BIO 149 Ecology (5)
BIO 201 Botany (5)
EVS 101 Environmental Science (4)
GEG 108 Water Resources (4)
REQUIRED COURSES: 27.25-28.25 units distributed as follows:
- All courses from the following (15.25 units):
FOR 110 Introduction to Forestry (4)
FOR 110L Introduction to Forestry Lab (1.25)
FOR 111 Forest Resources and Society (4)
FOR 112 Current Issues in Forestry and Natural Resources (4)
FOR 133 Internship - Occupational Work Experience (2)
- A minimum of 8 units from the following:
EVS 110 California Naturalist Program (4.5)
FIR 167 Wildland Fire Safety and Hand Crew Operations (3.5)
GEG 134/CIS 135A ArcGIS Online (3.5)
GEG 135/CIS 135B ArcGIS Desktop (3.5)
WLD 105C Wilderness Navigation (1.5)
- One class from the following (4-5):
BIO 101 Principles of Biology I (5)
BIO 149 Ecology (5)
BIO 201 Botany (5)
EVS 101 Environmental Science (4)
GEG 108 Water Resources (4)
MAT 201 Elementary Statistics (5)
REQUIRED COURSES: 23 units distributed as follows:
- All courses from the following (23 units):
EVS 110 California Naturalist Program (4.5)
FIR 101 Fire Protection Organization (4)
FIR 102 Fire Protection Organization (4)
FIR 167 Wildland Fire Safety and Hand Crew Operations (3.5)
WLD 102 Intro to Search and Rescue (2)
WLD 107A Wilderness First Aid (1.5)
WLD 110B Leave No Trace (1.5)
FOR 132 Forestry Work Experience (2)
A Foundational Skills Certificate will be awarded upon completion of a minimum of
13.5 units distributed as follows:
1. All courses from the following (5.25):
FOR 110 Introduction to Forestry (4)
FOR 110L Introduction to Forestry Lab (1.25)
2. A minimum of 8.25 units from the following:
EVS 110 California Naturalist Program (4.5)
FIR 167 Wildland Fire Safety and Hand Crew Operations (3.5)
FOR 133 Internship - Occupational Work Experience (1-2)
GEG 134/CIS 135A ArcGIS Online (3.5)
GEG 135/CIS 135B ArcGIS Desktop (3.5)
WLD 105C Wilderness Navigation (1.5)
This list is not exhaustive, but it provides an idea of the job opportunities out there for Forestry students.
- Arborist
- Botanist
- Community Developer
- Conservation Biologist
- Conservation Officer
- Ecologist
- Environmental Analyst
- Environmental Educator
- Environmental Engineer
- Environmental Land Consultant
- Environmental Lawyer
- Environmental Manager
- Environmental Planner
- Environmental Scientist
- Field Guide
- Fisheries Consultant
- Forestry Tech/Aid
- Forester
- Forest Resource Officer
- GIS Analyst
- Hydrologist
- Land Surveyor
- Land Use Planner
- Park Ranger
- Professor
- Remote Sensing Specialist
- Researcher
- Soil Scientist
- Sustainability Development Manager
- Teacher
- Urban Planner
- Wildland Firefighter
- Wildlife Conservationist
Some of these career choices may require additional education or preparation in the form of graduate studies, experiential education, or professional formative courses and exams.
There are A NUMBER OF STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS that you can apply for each spring. Scholarships make it possible to earn money for college that does not ever need to be repaid. While some of LTCC's scholarships are competitive, there is a wide variety available you can apply for for free that are awarded based on all kinds of qualities and interests.
Have a question?
We’re just a call or email away:
Lake Tahoe Community College
One College Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 541-4660 x 211
LTCC's Forestry Education and Job Placement Program is being funded by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as part of the California Climate Investments Program through the California Tahoe Conservancy.