Criminal and Administration of Justice

The Criminal Justice degree and Administration of Justice transfer degree programs
at Lake Tahoe Community College are designed to acquaint pre-service and in-service
students with the principles and practices of criminal justice systems in America.
Although the program's curriculum allows for the development of depth in one of the
subject's major systems (i.e., law enforcement, juvenile justice, courts or corrections),
the objective of this program is to familiarize students with concepts in all of the
above areas. The Criminal Justice and Administration of Justice program are both academic
and professional in that it is an interdisciplinary approach to relating intellectual
issues and practitioner perspectives to the challenge of crime in a free society.
Consequently, the program provides preparation for employment with a related agency
and/or transfer to a four-year college or university. Students completing the Criminal
Justice program will be prepared to work in a variety of positions such as municipal
police officers, county deputy sheriffs, probation or correctional officers, game
wardens, state park officers, and private security officers.

CRJ 102 Criminal Law (4)
CRJ 104 Criminal Court Process (4)
CRJ 105 Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice (4)
CRJ 108 Juvenile Law and Procedures (4)
CRJ 110 Introduction to Corrections (4)
CRJ 112 Introduction to Investigation (4)
PSY 101 General Psychology (4)
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (4)
C. ELECTIVE UNITS to bring the total to 90.
(A) The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education -Breadth Requirements.
(B) A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis, as determined by the community college district.
CRJ 102 Criminal Law (4)
CRJ 104 Criminal Court Process (4)
CRJ 105 Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice (4)
CRJ 108 Juvenile Law and Procedures (4)
CRJ 110 Introduction to Corrections (4)
CRJ 112 Introduction to Investigation (4)
PSY 101 General Psychology (4)
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (4)
28-29 units distributed as follows:
CRJ 102 Criminal Law (4)
CRJ 104 Criminal Court Process (4)
CRJ 105 Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice (4)
CRJ 108 Juvenile Law and Procedures (4)
CRJ 110 Introduction to Corrections (4)
CRJ 112 Introduction to Investigation (4)
PSY 101 General Psychology (4)
MAT 201 Elementary Statistics (5)
Have a question?
We’re just a call or email away:
Lake Tahoe Community College
One College Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 541-4660 x 211
- Jamie Rhone(530) 541-4660 x 583email