
The Art degree program at Lake Tahoe Community College is designed to provide a balanced foundation in both studio art and art history. Its curriculum is focused to meet the needs of art students who are initially developing skill and concepts as well as those experienced students who seek further development. The Art Department is committed to a structured environment in which faculty and students work closely together in an atmosphere which is responsive, supportive, and facilitates experimentation.
See current catalog for details.
39.25 units distributed as follows:
1. All courses from the following (19.25 units):
ART 101 Art History: Prehistoric - Islamic (4)
ART 102 Art History: Medieval Europe - Renaissance (4)
ART 103 Art History: Baroque - Contemporary (4)
ART 118 Color (4)
ART 122 Art Exhibit Production (1.25)
ART 228A Professional Skills for Artists (2)
2. Select one course from the following (4 units):
ART 114 Beginning Drawing from Observation (4)
ART 115 Drawing: Wet Media (4)
ART 116 Drawing: Concept and Image (4)
3. Select one course from the following (4 units):
ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 113 Three-Dimensional Design (4)
4. Minimum of 12 total units from any three of the seven areas:
a. ART 214 Advanced Drawing from Observation (4)
ART 215 Advanced Drawing: Wet Media (4)
ART 216 Advanced Drawing: Concept and Image (4)
ART 241B Portfolio Development: Drawing 1 (4)
b. ART 210A Beginning Watercolor Painting (4)
ART 210B Advanced Watercolor Painting (4)
ART 211 Painting I (4)
ART 212 Painting II (4)
ART 234 Figure Painting (4)
ART 240 Painting: Narrative and Symbolism (4)
ART 241A Portfolio Development: Painting 1 (4)
c. ART 213 Beginning Figure Drawing (4)
ART 220A Figure Sculpture I (4)
ART 220B Figure Sculpture II (4)
ART 220C Figure Sculpture III (4)
ART 223 Intermediate Figure Drawing (4)
ART 224 Portraiture (4)
ART 233 Advanced Figure Drawing (4)
ART 241C Portfolio Development: Figure 1 (4)
d. ART 221A Beginning Relief Printmaking (4)
ART 221B Advanced Relief Printmaking (4)
ART 221C Beginning Monotype Printmaking (4)
ART 221D Advanced Monotype Printmaking (4)
ART 221E Beginning Intaglio Printmaking (4)
ART 221F Advanced Intaglio Printmaking (4)
e. ART 201A Mixed Media Sculpture I (4)
ART 201B Mixed Media Sculpture II (4)
ART 219A Metal Sculpture I (4)
ART 219B Metal Sculpture II (4)
ART 219C Metal Sculpture III (4)
ART 219D Metal Sculpture IV (4)
f. ART 142 Black and White Photography I (4)
ART 143 Black and White Photography II (4)
ART 145A Landscape Photography (A) (4)
ART 146 Digital Photography I (4)
ART 147 Photojournalism (4)
ART 148 Digital Photography II (4)
ART 244 Color Photography (4)
ART 247 Portrait Photography (4)
ART 248 Commercial Photography (4)
g. ART 119A Beginning Ceramics I (4)
ART 120A Intermediate Ceramics I (4)
ART 239A Advanced Ceramics I (4)
C. ELECTIVE UNITS to bring the total to 90.
30 units distributed as follows:
All courses from the following (30 units):
ART 103 Art History: Baroque - Contemporary (4)
ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 118 Color (4)
ART 135A Digital Imaging I (4)
ART 146 Digital Photography I (4)
ART 228A Professional Skills for Artists (2)
DMA 112 Introduction to Digital Media Arts (4)
DMA 121 Artistic Concepts for the Web (4)
AREAS OF CONCENTRATION: (Choose one option)
In addition to the required core courses listed above, students seeking an Art New
Media degree must select a single area of concentration from the four listed. Students
must complete all required courses within the single area of concentration selected.
1. Art New Media: ILLUSTRATION
All courses as follows (12 units):
ART 114 Beginning Drawing from Observation (4)
ART 135B Digital Imaging II (4)
DMA 111 Introduction to Animation (4)
2. Art New Media: PHOTOGRAPHY
Select three courses from the following (12 units):
ART 135B Digital Imaging II (4)
ART 142 Black and White Photography I (4)
ART 147 Photojournalism (4)
ART 148 Digital Photography II (4)
3. Art New Media: VIDEO
All courses as follows (12 units):
DMA 101 Introduction to Video Editing: YouTube to
Hollywood (4)
DMA 102 Intermediate Digital Video Editing (4)
DMA 103 Film Production I (4)
4. Art New Media: AUDIO
All courses as follows (12.75 units):
MUS 111 Basic Music Theory I (4.75)
MUS 118A Beginning MIDI Applications (2)
MUS 119A Pro Tools 101: Pro Tools Fundamentals I (3)
MUS 119B Pro Tools 110: Pro Tools Fundamentals II (3)
C. ELECTIVE UNITS to bring the total to 90.
To obtain the Associate in Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer degree, students must
complete the following requirements:
1. Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer
to the California State University, including both of the following:
(A) The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California
State University General Education -Breadth Requirements.
(B) A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis,
as determined by the community college district.
2. Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0.
See current catalog for details.
40 units distributed as follows:
1. All courses from the following (24 units):
ART 101 Art History: Prehistoric – Islamic (4)
ART 102 Art History: Medieval Europe – Renaissance (4)
ART 103 Art History: Baroque – Contemporary (4)
ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 113 Three-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 114 Beginning Drawing from Observation (4)
2. Select four courses from the following (16 units):
ART 118 Color (4)
ART 119A Beginning Ceramics I (4)
ART 142 Black and White Photography I (4)
ART 146 Digital Photography I (4)
ART 201A Mixed Media Sculpture I (4)
ART 211 Painting I (4)
ART 213 Beginning Figure Drawing (4)
ART 221A Beginning Relief Printmaking (4)
DMA 112 Introduction to Digital Media Arts (4)
C. ELECTIVE UNITS to bring the total to 90.
- Certificate of Achievement in Art
A certificate in Art is designed to provide a body of historical, conceptual and technical experiences that will prepare a developing artist for career opportunities in the field of fine arts, commercial art, gallery and museum operations, and art media retail business. Technical positions in art sculpture foundry, medical illustration, and related areas are additional options. The Art Certificates are offered in the following concentrations: Drawing, Painting, Figure Studies, Printmaking, Sculpture, Photography, and Ceramics.
35.25 units distributed as follows:
All courses from the following (11.25 units):
ART 103 Art History: Baroque - Contemporary (4)
ART 118 Color (4)
ART 122 Art Exhibition Production (1.25)
ART 228A Professional Skills for Artists (2)
One selected from the following (4 units):
ART 114 Beginning Drawing from Observation (4)
ART 115 Drawing: Wet Media (4)
ART 116 Drawing: Concept and Image (4)
One selected from the following (4 units):
ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 113 Three-Dimensional Design (4)
Areas of Concentration: (Choose any option)
In addition to the required core courses listed above, students seeking an Art Certificate
must select an area of concentration. Multiple areas of concentrations may be achieved by completing an additional 16 units
in any of the following areas listed. Required core courses cannot be duplicated.
Select four from the following (16 units):
ART 114 Beginning Drawing from Observation (4)
ART 115 Drawing: Wet Media (4)
ART 116 Drawing: Concept and Image (4)
ART 214 Advanced Drawing from Observation (4)
ART 215 Advanced Drawing: Wet Media (4)
ART 216 Advanced Drawing: Concept and Image (4)
Select four from the following (16 units):
ART 210A Beginning Watercolor Painting (4)
ART 210B Advanced Watercolor Painting (4)
ART 211 Painting I (4)
ART 212 Painting II (4)
ART 234 Figure Painting (4)
ART 240 Painting: Narrative and Symbolism (4)
Select four from the following (16 units):
ART 213 Beginning Figure Drawing (4)
ART 220A Figure Sculpture I (4)
ART 223 Intermediate Figure Drawing (4)
ART 224 Portraiture (4)
ART 233 Advanced Figure Drawing (4)
ART 234 Figure Painting (4)
Select four from the following (16 units):
ART 221A Beginning Relief Printmaking (4)
ART 221B Advanced Relief Printmaking (4)
ART 221C Beginning Monotype Printmaking (4)
ART 221D Advanced Monotype Printmaking (4)
ART 221E Beginning Intaglio Printmaking (4)
ART 221F Advanced Intaglio Printmaking (4)
Select four from the following (16 units):
ART 201A Mixed Media Sculpture I (4)
ART 201B Mixed Media Sculpture II (4)
ART 219A Metal Sculpture I (4)
ART 219B Metal Sculpture II (4)
ART 219C Metal Sculpture III (4)
ART 219D Metal Sculpture IV (4)
ART 220A Figure Sculpture I (4)
ART 220B Figure Sculpture II (4)
ART 220C Figure Sculpture III (4)
Select four from the following (16 units):
ART 142 Black and White Photography I (4)
ART 143 Black and White Photography II (4)
ART 146 Digital Photography I (4)
ART 148 Digital Photography II (4)
ART 244 Color Photography (4)
ART 247 Portrait Photography (4)
ART 248 Commercial Photography (4)
Select four from the following (16 units):
ART 119A Beginning Ceramics I (4)
ART 119B Beginning Ceramics II (4)
ART 120A Intermediate Ceramics I (4)
ART 120B Intermediate Ceramics II (4)
ART 239A Advanced Ceramics I (4)
ART 239B Advanced Ceramics II (4)
A certificate in Art is designed to provide a body of historical, conceptual and technical experiences that will prepare a developing artist for career opportunities in the field of fine arts, commercial art, gallery and museum operations, and art media retail business. Technical positions in art sculpture foundry, medical illustration, and related areas are additional options. The Art Certificates are offered in the following concentrations: Drawing, Painting, Figure Studies, Printmaking, Sculpture, Photography, and Ceramics.
- Certificate of Achievement in Photography
Program Learning Outcomes
• Apply current photographic/digital processes.
• Manually operate traditional and digital camera formats from 35mm to large format
• Operate commercial studio equipment.
• Correctly utilize traditional photographic processes and digital applications.
• Be fluent in design and compositional concepts, and be able to apply these to the
photographic and digital arts.
• Recognize master photographers and traditional historical processes, as well as
alternative processes.
• Assemble a portfolio of their work.
38 units distributed as follows:
1. All courses from the following (30 units):
ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 141 The History of Photography (4)
ART 142 Black and White Photography I (4)
ART 143 Black and White Photography II (4)
ART 146 Digital Photography (4)
ART 148 Digital Photography II (4)
ART 228A Professional Skills for Artists (2)
ART 244 Color Photography (4)
2. Two courses from the following (8 units):
ART 135A Digital Imaging I (4)
ART 135B Digital Imaging II (4)
ART 145A Landscape Photography (A) (4)
ART 147 Photojournalism (4)
ART 242 Black and White Photography III (4)
ART 247 Portrait Photography (4)
ART 248 Commercial Photography (4)
- Employable Skills Certificate
Photography/Digital Photography is a dynamic and exciting field exploring artistic and commercial applications, as well as digital technology. The photography certificate programs at Lake Tahoe Community College give students a solid foundation in a variety of photographic and digital areas.
This employable skills certificate program provides photographic and digital experiences that equip the students for a variety of entry-level career applications. The program is designed to prepare the student for entry-level positions in the fields of traditional photography, photojournalism, commercial photography, digital photography, digital imaging, and new digital media.
A. Traditional Photography I: This program is designed to prepare the student for an entry-level position in the field of Traditional Photography.
All courses from the following (16 units):
ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 141 History of Photography (4)
ART 142 Black and White Photography I (4)
ART 143 Black and White Photography II (4)
TOTAL UNITS (including required courses) = 16
B. Traditional Photography II: This program is designed to prepare the student for an advanced level position in the field of Traditional Photography.
All courses from the following (8 units):
ART 242 Black and White Photography III (4)
ART 244 Color Photography (4)
Two courses selected from the following (8 units):
ART 145A Landscape Photography (A) (4)
ART 147 Photojournalism (4)
ART 247 Portrait Photography (4)
TOTAL UNITS (including required courses) = 16
C. Photojournalism: This program is designed to prepare the student for an entry-level position in the field of Photojournalism.
All courses from the following (16 units):
ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 142 Black and White Photography I (4)
ART 146 Digital Photography I (4)
ART 147 Photojournalism (4)
TOTAL UNITS (including required courses) = 16
D. Commercial Photography: This program is designed to prepare the student for an entry-level position in the field of Commercial Photography.
All courses from the following (16 units):
ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 244 Color Photography (4)
ART 247 Portrait Photography (4)
ART 248 Commercial Photography (4)
One course selected from the following (4 units):
ART 135A Digital Imaging I (4)
ART 135B Digital Imaging II (4)
ART 146 Digital Photography I (4)
TOTAL UNITS (including required courses) = 20
E. Digital Photography: This program is designed to prepare the student for an entry-level position in the field of Digital Photography or as a Digital Photo Specialist.
All courses from the following (16 units):
ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 142 Black and White Photography I (4)
ART 146 Digital Photography I (4)
ART 148 Digital Photography II (4)
One course selected from the following (4 units):
ART 135A Digital Imaging I (4)
ART 135B Digital Imaging II (4)
TOTAL UNITS (including required courses) = 20
F. Digital Media: This program is designed to prepare the student for an entry-level position in the field of New Digital Media.
All courses from the following (16 units):
ART 111 Two-Dimensional Design (4)
ART 135A Digital Imaging I (4)
ART 135B Digital Imaging II (4)
ART 146 Digital Photography I (4)
TOTAL UNITS (including required courses) = 16
Individuals in the photography field may work as landscape, portrait or commercial photographers, camera operators in television broadcasting or motion picture studios, or photojournalists with newspapers, magazines, advertising agencies and government agencies.
- 3D Art Studio
The Jewel of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Lake Tahoe Community College Art Department takes pride in its three-dimensional art facilities. Comparable to a four year University, we provide a facility that supports a broad spectrum of courses, such as wheel thrown and hand-built ceramics, mixed media sculpture, figure sculpture, design, stone carving, metal fabrication, and bronze and aluminum casting utilizing the lost wax casting method. Art students at LTCC are taking part in an intensive art making experience while living in one of the most beautiful places in California.
- Indoor Ceramic & Sculpture Studio
- Ceramic Facility
- Ceramic Kilns
2 Cress 7 CF digital electric kilns
1 Cress 11 CF digital electric kiln
1 Crucible 16 CF top load digital electric kiln
1 Crucible 16 CF front load digital kiln
1 Olympic 1.4 CF electric test kiln
1 Duncan 3.2 CF electric kiln
1 Laguna 24 CF front loading gas kiln
1 Laguna 12 CF front loading gas kiln
2 Soft brick Raku kilns
1 Olympic Raku kiln
- Ceramic Equipment
1 50 gal. Slip mixer
12 Brent Model C potters wheels
1 Brent model 16 potters wheel adjustable: wheel chair accessible
1 24" Bailey slab roller
1 Laguna Spray booth for glazing
1 Brent 4” barrel extruder
1 Rubber backed belt grinder for ceramics
24 Shop cone 10 reduction glazes
13 Shop cone 04 oxidation glazes
11 Shop Raku glazes
Laser printer equipped for printing custom iron transfer decals
Also available for use:
- Low-fire commercial underglazes and glazes
- Underglaze pencils
- Chalks
- Water colors
- Lusters
- Enamels
- Sculpture & Metal Facility
1 #40 Speedy Melt bronze furnace
1 50 gal. Slurry mixer for ceramic shell investment
1 De-waxing kiln
1 Overhead crane, 1000 lb capacity
1 Large Universal bead blaster
1 14" Delta metal/ wood band saw
1 Delta 6" belt / 14" disc abrasive finishing machine
2 Lincoln TIG welders
1 Lincoln Arc welder
1 Miller Spectrum 375 X-treme Plasma Cutter
2 Miller wire feed MIG welders with aluminum spool gun equipped
3 Oxygen/Acetylene gas welding/cutting sets
1 Natural Gas forge
1 Farrier anvil with blacksmithing tools
4 Ventilated welding stations
1 Heavy Duty 12 speed drill press
6 Cuturi pneumatic air chisels with assorted chisels and hand chisels
1 Beverly Shears
Have a question?
We’re just a call or email away:
Lake Tahoe Community College
One College Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 541-4660 x 211
- Bryan YerianArt Instructoremail