Measure F
2023 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report (Spanish)
In May 2013, LTCC leadership proposed a plan of action for ensuring the fiscal stability of the college. This proposal included containing costs, enrollment management, new programs and services, and a general obligation bond (GOB).
The Board of Trustees directed staff to move forward and pursue the components of
the plan, called "Investing in Our Future." A major component of the plan is a General Obligation Bond to help provide local investment to support the efforts of the LTCC faculty, staff,
management and Board to revitalize the college. The GOB (known as Measure F) will
assist the College in covering the costs of maintenance that has been deferred for
many years due to budget reductions; renovating and modernizing classrooms, laboratories,
and technology; leveraging state capital outlay and scheduled maintenance funding;
consolidated and remodel program locations for improved learning environments, and
cost efficiencies.
The bond is a Proposition 39 general obligation bond requiring 55% voter approval
of all registered voters in the district. It also requires the Board of Trustees to
call for the election through a resolution that includes a project list, ballot language,
and the size of the bond. The Board completed this work on June 24, 2014. Copies of
the Board's resolution, project list, ballot language, the size of the bond, and other
important information can be found in the document list on the right menu of this
page and on BoardDocs.