Program Review

What is Program Review?
Program review is a self-evaluation process that requires all academic and non-academic programs at Lake Tahoe Community College to reflect on their mission and goals. This reflection process allows faculty and staff to determine the relevance, effectiveness and alignment of their programs to the goals of the college as a whole, and helps identify areas that need improvement. The program review process allows LTCC to continuously refine its academic and non-academic programs so they remain relevant to the changing world around them. 
Annual Program Review and Resource Allocation Requests
Each year, every academic discipline will be charged with completing an Academic Program Review (APR). Questions on the APR are intended to provide an opportunity for discipline leads to analyze disaggregated data on student success and completion, curriculum and scheduling, and to complete an overall analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for the discipline. 
Completion of the APR is required for the completion of a Resource Allocation Request (RAR), which is an opportunity for a program/discipline to request more funds in order to better serve students. 
Resource Allocation Requests are broken into two categories: personnel requests or supply requests. They are then reviewed by division leads, deans and vice presidents, and brought forward to the leadership team to create a college-wide prioritization. The requests should align with the President and Board of Trustees goals. Projects, supplies, or personnel deemed a priority but not feasibly funded by the college’s general fund become opportunities for LTCC to pursue grant funding to fulfill the request. Division leads are responsible for following up with discipline leads with the outcome of RAR requests. Final decisions can be found in the college’s budget presentations to the LTCC Board of Trustees.  
Comprehensive Program Review
Previously, all departments at LTCC were required to complete a separate CPR on a six-year cycle. In an effort to create more cross-discipline collaboration and to better understand how students are entering, moving through, and completing degrees within Meta Majors, LTCC is adapting its CPR Process. Going forward, all disciplines within a Meta Major will collaboratively complete a CPR every five years. The goal of the CPR is to complete a thorough and intentional analysis of the disciplines, degree programs, and Meta Majors. The CPRs will be reviewed by the College Learning and Enrollment Management Council (CLEMC), the President's Advisory Council (PAC), and the Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC) before being forwarded to the Board of Trustees for final review and approval.
Pictured below is the diagram that describes how Comprehensive Program Reviews travel through LTCC's governance structure. Separate areas such as the Instructional CPRs, Student Service CPRs and Administrative CPRs see different levels of governance at various times. The diagram below depicts such variety using distinctively colored arrows.

CPR Diagram

Annual Program Reviews (APR)

2023-24 Annual Program Reviews (reviewing 2022-23 Academic Year)

Program Name 2023-24 APR
Addiction Studies PDF
Allied Health PDF
Biology PDF
Chemistry PDF
Commercial Music PDF
Communications PDF
Computer Information Systems PDF
Criminal Justice PDF
Culinary Arts PDF
Earth and Environmental Sciences PDF
Economics PDF
Fire Science PDF
Forestry PDF
Humanities PDF
Mathematics PDF
Philosophy PDF
Physical Education PDF
Physics PDF
Real Estate PDF
Religion PDF
Speech PDF
Wilderness Education PDF
Work Experience PDF
World Languages PDF
Program Name 2022-23 AY APR Type
Athletics PDF Survey
Bond Management PDF Survey
Career Services PDF Survey
Child Development Center (CDC) PDF Survey
Computer Services PDF Survey
DEI Taskforce PDF Alternative
Distance Education PDF Survey
Enrollment Services PDF Survey
ESL PDF Survey
Fiscal Services PDF Survey
Fitness Education Center PDF Survey
Foundation PDF Survey
Institutional Effectiveness PDF Survey
International Student Program PDF Alternative
Student Housing PDF Alternative
Library and Learning Services PDF Survey
Promise Program PDF Alternative
Rising Scholars Program PDF Alternative
Safety and Security PDF Survey
Student Life PDF Survey
Transfer Center PDF Survey
TRiO PDF Survey
University Center PDF Survey

2022-23 Annual Program Reviews (reviewing 2021-22 Academic Year)

Departments 2022-23 APR

Core Subjects


Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Program Name 2022-23 APR APR Type
Bond Management PDF Alternative
Computer Service Information PDF Alternative
Campus Safety and Security PDF Alternative
CONNECT PDF Alternative
Early Learning Center PDF Alternative
Financial Aid PDF Alternative
Forestry PDF Alternative
Foundation PDF Alternative
Library (Tutoring and Learning Center) PDF Alternative
Maintenance and Operations PDF Alternative
Media Services PDF Alternative
Rising Scholars Program PDF Alternative
Student Accessibility Services PDF Alernative
Student Equity PDF Alternative
Student Promise PDF Alternative