Board of Trustees
Lake Tahoe Community College is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees elected by the citizens of the District. A student trustee is elected by the student body and is the official representative of the students to the Board. To be eligible for election, Board candidates must be at least 18 years of age, and must be a resident of and a registered voter in the District. In February 2014, a new system of Elections by Trustee Area was approved by the Board of Trustees (map of ALL trustee areas).
Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to the public and are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Board Room, located in the library building on the Lake Tahoe Community College campus. Meetings start at 6:20 p.m. unless noted differently on the agenda. LTCC's Board Room is equipped with an Assistive Listening System (ALS) for those who need it.
The Board agenda is posted 72 hours prior to each meeting. Current Board agendas, packets, and minutes can be found on the Board of Trustees' Agendas and Packets webpage. For other documents, please contact the President's Office.