World Languages

The World Languages in Spanish program at Lake Tahoe Community College provides students
with a broad-based appreciation of the culture, history, literature, and art of Spanish-speaking
countries. Students will complete course work leading to a proficiency in reading,
writing, speaking, and listening skills at the intermediate level according to the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Proficiency Guidelines. The importance of study abroad will be shared with students. All students planning
to obtain a degree in Spanish must meet with a full-time instructor in the department
to establish an individual plan during the first quarter of study.
The Spanish degree is designed to give students a basic understanding of the Spanish language, and to facilitate and promote placement of intermediate proficiency-level Spanish speakers into California's bilingual workplace.
Visit the World Languages External Website
(A) The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education – Breadth Requirements.
(B) A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis, as determined by the community college district.
See current catalog for details.
34-35 units distributed as follows
1. All courses from the following (30 units):
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I (5)
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II (5)
SPA 103 Elementary Spanish III (5)
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I (5)
SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II (5)
SPA 203 Intermediate Spanish III (5)
2. One course selected from the following (4-5 units):
SPA 110 Hispanic Civilization and Culture (4)
SPA 210 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I (5)
SPA 211 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition II (5)
C. ELECTIVE UNITS to bring the total to 90.
39-41 units distributed as follows:
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II (5)
SPA 103 Elementary Spanish III (5)
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I (5)
SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II (5)
SPA 203 Intermediate Spanish III (5)
SPA 210 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I (5)
SPA 211 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition II (5)
SPA 212 Introduction to Spanish Literature (5)
SPA 220A Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Two-Way Immersion I (6)
SPA 220B Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Two-Way Immersion II (6)
At least 3 units must be completed from the Recommended Courses: Section a. The remaining units may be completed from the Recommended and/or Suggested Courses: Sections a, b, or c.
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II (5)
SPA 103 Elementary Spanish III (5)
SPA 110 Hispanic Civilization and Culture (4)
SPA 141 Conversational Spanish I (3)
SPA 142 Conversational Spanish II (3)
SPA 143 Conversational Spanish III (3)
SPA 155 Bi-Cultural Conversation (4)
SPA 157A Conversation Expanded Experience - Low Beginning (1)
SPA 157B Conversation Expanded Experience - Beginning (1)
SPA 157C Conversation Expanded Experience - High Beginning (1)
SPA 157D Conversation Expanded Experience - Low Intermediate (1)
SPA 157E Conversation Expanded Experience - Intermediate (1)
SPA 157F Conversation Expanded Experience - High Intermediate (1)
SPA 157G Conversation Expanded Experience - Low Advanced (1)
SPA 157H Conversation Expanded Experience - Advanced (1)
SPA 157J Conversation Expanded Experience - High Advanced (1)
SPA 170A Elementary Spanish for the Professions I** (.5-3)
SPA 170B Elementary Spanish for the Professions II**(.5-3)
SPA 170C Elementary Spanish for the Professions III**(.5-3)
** A maximum of 3 units from the courses in the 170 series may be
used toward the certificate.
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I (5)
SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II (5)
SPA 203 Intermediate Spanish III (5)
SPA 210 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I (5)
SPA 211 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition II (5)
SPA 212 Introduction to Spanish Literature (5)
SPA 220A Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Two-Way Immersion I (6)
SPA 220B Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Two-Way Immersion II (6)
SPA 121B ISSI: Beginning (2.5)
SPA 121D ISSI: High Beginning (2.5)
SPA 122A ISSI: Low Intermediate (2.5)
SPA 122B ISSI: Intermediate (2.5)
SPA 122C ISSI: Intermediate - Level II (2.5)
SPA 122CA ISSI: Intermediate - Level III (2.5)
SPA 122D ISSI: High Intermediate (2.5)
SPA 122E ISSI: High Intermediate - Level II (2.5)
SPA 122EA ISSI: High Intermediate - Level III (2.5)
SPA 123A ISSI: Low Advanced (2.5)
SPA 123B ISSI: Advanced (2.5)
SPA 123D ISSI: High Advanced (2.5)
SPA 124 ISSI: Low Superior (2.5)
SPA 124A ISSI: Superior (2.5)
ISSI Mini-Courses:
SPA 154A ISSI: Reinforcing Grammatical Concepts and Structures - Level 1 (.5)
SPA 154B ISSI: Reinforcing Grammatical Concepts and Structures - Level 2 (.5)
SPA 154C ISSI: Communicative Conversational Spanish Vocabulary - Beginning (.5)
SPA 154E ISSI: Simultaneous Bilingual Translation Techniques - High Intermediate to
Superior (.5)
SPA 154F ISSI: Spanish Slang, Jargon, and Street Language (.5)
SPA 154G ISSI: Using Traditional and Contemporary Latino Music as a Language Acquisition
Tool (.25)
SPA 154M ISSI: Reinforcing Grammatical Concepts and Structures - Low Beginning to
Beginning (.5)
SPA 154P ISSI: Conversational Scenarios I: High Beginning and Low Intermediate (.5)
SPA 154Q ISSI: Conversational Scenarios II: Intermediate and High Intermediate (.5)
SPA 154R ISSI: Increase Spanish Proficiency Through Interactive Stories (.5)
SPA 156CC ISSI: Small Group Conversation - Intermediate (.5)
SPA 156CD ISSI: Small Group Conversation - Intermediate Level II (.5)
SPA 156CE ISSI: Small Group Conversation - Intermediate Level III (.5)
SPA 156D ISSI: Small Group Conversation - High Intermediate (.5)
SPA 156DA ISSI: Small Group Conversation - High Intermediate - Level II (.5)
SPA 156DB ISSI: Small Group Conversation - High Intermediate - Level III (.5)
SPA 156E ISSI: Small Group Conversation - Low Advanced (.5)
SPA 156EE ISSI: Small Group Conversation - Advanced (.5)
SPA 156F ISSI: Small Group Conversation - High Advanced (.5)
SPA 156FF ISSI: Small Group Conversation - Low Superior (.5)
SPA 156G ISSI: Small Group Conversation - Superior (.5)
SPA 156GG ISSI: Small Group Conversation - High Superior (.5)
SPA 160A ISSI: Introduction to CALL - Low Beginning (.5)
SPA 160AA ISSI: Introduction to CALL - Beginning (.5)
SPA 160B ISSI: Introduction to CALL - High Beginning (.5)
SPA 160C ISSI: Introduction to CALL - Low Intermediate (.5)
SPA 160CC ISSI: Introduction to CALL - Intermediate (.5)
SPA 160D ISSI: Introduction to CALL - High Intermediate (.5)
SPA 160E ISSI: Introduction to CALL - Low Advanced (.5)
SPA 160EE ISSI: Introduction to CALL - Advanced (.5)
SPA 160F ISSI: Introduction to CALL - High Advanced (.5)
SPA 160FF ISSI: Introduction to CALL - Low Superior (.5)
SPA 160G ISSI: Introduction to CALL - Superior (.5)
SPA 160GG ISSI: Introduction to CALL - High Superior (.5)
SPA 160GH ISSI: Introduction to CALL - High Superior Level II (.5)
SPA 160H ISSI: Multi-Level CALL (PC) (.5)
SPA 181A ISSI: Spanish for the Medical Profession - High Beginning to Intermediate
SPA 181D ISSI: Spanish for the Medical Profession - High Intermediate to High Superior
SPA 182 ISSI: Comparative Grammar: Beginning to High Beginning (.5)
SPA 183A ISSI: Breaking Out of Beginner’s Spanish (.5)
SPA 183B ISSI: Breaking Out of Intermediate Spanish (.5)
SPA 184A ISSI: Comparative Grammar: High Beginning to Intermediate (.5)
SPA 185A ISSI: Comparative Grammar: High Intermediate to Superior
SPA 186A ISSI: Comparative Grammar: The Subjunctive Mood for Low Advanced to Advanced
Levels (.5)
SPA 186B ISSI: Comparative Grammar: The Subjunctive Mood for High Advanced to Superior
Levels (.5)
SPA 187 ISSI: Hispanics in Hollywood (.5)
SPA 188 ISSI: The Power of Proper Pronunciation in Spanish (.5)
SPA 189 ISSI: Language and Culture Through Zumba (.5)
SPA 199A ISSI: Spanish Communicative Interactive Conversation Course (SCICC): The
Difficult Trip: Beginning Levels (.25)
SPA 199D ISSI: Spanish Communicative Interactive Conversation Course (SCICC): The
Difficult Trip: Intermediate Levels (.25)
SPA 199H ISSI: Spanish Communicative Interactive Conversation Course (SCICC): The
Difficult Trip: Advanced Levels (.25)
ART 107 Art of the Americas (4)
ETH 100 Current Latino Issues (4)
ETH 201 Mexican-American Culture (4)
ETH 202A Mexican-American History: Pre-Columbian to 1848 (4)
ETH 202B Mexican-American History: 1848 to 1960 (4)
ETH 202C Mexican-American History: 1960 to Present (4)
ETH 203A History of Mexico: Pre-Columbian to 1821 (4)
ETH 203B History of Mexico: 1821 to 1910 (4)
ETH 203C History of Mexico: 1910 to Present (4)
HIS 104 Early California History (4)
HIS 110 Multicultural History of the United States (4)
SPE 102 Intercultural Communications (4)
See more degrees and certificates in the Arts, Language, & Humanities Meta Major →
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Lake Tahoe Community College
One College Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 541-4660 x 211